Anyone notice the humidity?

Event Date

May 06, 2019


Quick BB
Was happy to see Jazzy's sweet ride parked as I pulled in, been a minute since I had seen him at a beatdown.  Turbo & 9 were chatting it up with great anticipation of what was about to unfold.  Goat and Big M pulled in and as we are thinking of starting we saw headlights.  Warm up started here with arm circles while we waited to see if the headlights were for us, they were, with Code Blue emerging at 5:30:30.  

The real warmup-mosey to movie theater awning.  Side straddle Hops and Windmill.  I then regretfuly let Goat lead us in the pigeon which got Jazzy a bit more than a little excited.  From there we all performed the best imperial storm troopers of our lives and the rest of the warmup is a blur. 

The Thang:
head to the fountain and did 20 decline merkins in cadence, 20 squats in cadence, and 20 declines in cadence.  10 stepups each leg and 20 dips in cadence.  Mosey to top of greenway hill and instructions were as follows, 10 squats at top of hill run to bottom hill lightpost and do 20 Carolina DD.  Run up adding 1 squat (11) and back down taking 1 (19) dry dock away until we get to 20 squats and 10 Dry Docks.  Around 17 squats Turbos speed (and unique drydocks) had made the rest of us inferior as he started picking us off one by one.  Great effort by Turbo and the rest of the crew.  Chatter was drastically cut during this peaceful time.  From there we some WWIIs and were interupted by a cyclist for the second time.  Ran to the top of the hill and did some lunge walk then mosey to movie theater wall.  Did the people's chair with air press, then balls to wall and then everyone's favorite the praying mantis.  back to the fountain for more inclines, squates, declines, and dips.  got back to where we started and did a bit of mery. it is true, you can do more reps of low flutter when you are the calling it, unfortunately it is also true Big M can do more mason twists when calling it.  We planked, wiped some sweat and got our coffee

3rd F, without a well laid out plan I had us read a few versus that I thought would help lead a good discussion on balancing planning and preparing with knowing the man upstairs is in charge.  Better put we discussed the idea of holding on loosly, being open to what each day brings, and instead of holding on to things like forgiveness, grace, kindness, apologies, money, time, power, and compliments we should hold them loosely, looking for changes to hand them out.  Verses we read were James 2:5, James 3:16-18, Proverbs 11:24, Luke 6:38 and Malachi 3:10.  Great converstion today gents.  Another take away was to take some time to evaluate what is working, where we are white knuckle holding on to things we shouldn't and trying to live recklessly for God.  

Always an Honor and a Pleasure to lead Gents at #theberean, thanks Big M for the opportunity.