Are You Not Entertained?!?

The anticipation of the Q v Q challenge had me amped the last few days.  TopGun did the PB and incinuated I was a weenie, an Oscar Mayer Hot Dog to be exact which got me thinking TopGun is a much cooler nickname than Dingo.  

5:00 standard for Big M and myself.  Turbo was missed b/c apparently he was getting his beauty sleep. Royale was spotted by Big Montana on his drive in and sure enough he rolled up on foot in time for us to head back out in search of hills for the standard.

5:30 TopGun kicks things off with the warm up and some music, he drowned out anything yours truly tried to say with what was clearly a much better blue tooth speaker than the one I would reveal later.  5:32 SwingVote, I mean Bouncy House rolled in to join the pax.  After a quick warm up he handed it off to me where we partnered up and took turns with our partner running to the pullup bars and doing 5 pullups while the partner did exercies and then we switched.  The Pax was sure to complain throughout and additional exercises were added as the Pax was crushing the running portion of the workout.  After the 10 minutes of fun we switched off and TopGun took the lead.   We split in two groups and were handed a card of questions.  Instructions were a scavenger hunt on the St. Marks campus.  We had to run to destinations using clues do an exercise and answer a question.  Good time and good way to see the AO.  What we did learn is there was not a consensus on what is an arch and what is a column.  Ending with 10 pull ups was a nice touch and based on the column/arch controversy no true winner (or loser was crowned). From there we took a mosey back to the car where I pulled out my inferior blue tooth speaker and Bouncy promtly stated 'you better not play Moby!'  He was in luck, I played Roxanne  where we were all stung by Sting planking and doing a merkin everytime he sang Roxanne.  Auto was able to must enough energy to complain about the whole thing while lying on his back 60 seconds into the song (I think the Pax seeing Auto on his back complaining was what sealed the votes for me).  After a date wtih Roxanne I made sure Bouncy didnt leave dissapointed and we rolled right into some Moby where we assumed the squat position and then let Moby take control telling us Sallies when to move up and down for the next 3.5 minutes.  There was more complaining but I do believe it got the job done.  We then found some grass for our elbows and did a few praying mantis merkins in cadence.  After this I was able to hang the reigns back over to TopGun who took us to the tallest wall he could find where we had to climb the wall, do 10 squats, hop down, bear crawl across the lot and then do 1 merkin on the curb.  We repeated, each time doing one less squat and one more merkin.  In a flash it was over and he told me to wrap up our workout with a few minutes of mary.  We hustled back to the parking lot and I used my knew found fondess of low flutter to lead the crew.  From there we assumed the superman position. It was unconfortable when a few of the Pax started signing the show tune version of the superman song, I think, I do know it was a bit creepy.  We took one break, reassumed position and before we knew it we were recovering recovering.  Good times by all and I do believe TopGun and I made a pretty darn good team.  Unfortunatley votes had to be talled and TC said I was the lucky one that would get to right the backblast and go against the winner of the Auto Two Buck matchup.  Clearly I was not the winner in this thing but do appreciate the change to particpate in the fun!