Properly Pumped Pyramid

12 men showed for the Pyramid.  
SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, Mountain Climbers all IC
Mosey to rockpile, with advice to pick a rock "you can live with"…
Partner up for Pyramid
100 merkins, 200 curls, 300 squats, 200 LBCs, 100 Shoulder presses
Partner 1 does reps while Partner 2 runs to end of block and back.
Circle up for more work:
10 Skull Crushers
10 bent over rows
10 chest presses
10 Rosalita
All IC
10 Skull Crushers
10 bent over rows
10 chest presses
10 Low Dolly
All IC
Rocks back and mosey back to fountain.
Big Baby Crunch – DeepDish
Mason Twist – Code Blue
Dying Cockroach – Holiday
Box cutters – Hacker
Recover, recover
Strong effort by all this morning.  Welcome back to Jethro, The Geek, 3 Rivers, and Sensei.  
Geek and Tupak gladly contributed extra reps during the Pyramid so that their partners would not have to.  Well done.
According to Holiday, both Dolly and Rosalita were pleased with our properly pumped bodies.  We were indeed swole by the end of the workout.
Gnarley Goat was called for the last Mary exercise, but apparently hesitated long enough for Hacker to swoop in and call the exercise.  Nicely done!
Reminder for all to engage in your personal Shield Lock. Also, everyone is welcome to join the Q Source meetings locally, or listen to the available Podcasts.
Prayers up for Olive and family.
Hollywood has open dates, step up and get on the calendar.
Deep Dish