Event Date

May 11, 2019


3 men elected to try the Tour de SVU today!WARMUP 11IC Plank Jack’s5IC Chest to Ground Merkin20IC Imperial Storm Troopers19IC Mt. Climbers20 BURPEE (Let’s start it right)SVU TOURIR to Club House – 1st person carries MetroBall20 BURPEE Top of the hill and continue to SV Club House20 BURPEE upon arrivalParking lot bear crawls and crawl bear backIR to Dock Stairs on Rustling Woods20 BURPEE20 Merkin at the top of stairs20 WWI at the bottomx5 times5 BURPEE at the finishMosey back to the AO5 BURPEE at 1st street10 BURPEE at AOMAX Pull-upsMAX Hanging toe touchesThere were more BURPEES planned but no time.REFLECTIONAs a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”Isaiah 66:13 NIV’t forget tomorrow’s MOTHER’S DAYMOLESKINE-Thoughts were with Bullseye, Goodwrench and family for the The Khaleda Run. The PAX decided the run sounded like more fun.-PAX listed many things more fun than the Tour de SVU!-Very little MC today due to lack of breath.-Anvil turned on beast mode at the docks.-Schredder just keeps rolling-IR pace to the clubhouse was under 8 min mile with the 20lb ball.-Great effort!