
Event Date

May 09, 2019


3 men appeared at Cobalt for some work on an early Thursday morning.


Butt Kicks, High Knees, Karyoke, SSH x 25 IC, WM x15 IC, TS x15 IC, CP x 15 IC

The Thang:

Pax got greeted with the 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 workout this am…First set, we did 10 reps of each of the following exercises, next pax did 9 reps of each of the exercises, then 8, then 7…down to 1 rep of each exercise on the final set.  No rest between sets.

  1.  Burpees
  2.  Merkins
  3.  Squats
  4.  Mountain Climbers
  5.  Lunges 
  6.  WWII's


  1.  Freddie Mercury x 15 
  2.  Leg Lifts x 15

Pax did 3 sets of the above for Mary with no rest between each set.


  • Great morning for a workout
  • Good luck to Natty's daughter who has a soccer match tonight for the state play offs in Starmount.
  • Happy Birthday to Krugerrand's son who is turning 4.  Big party for him this weekend.
  • Q learned a lot about kegs, CO2, and where to purchase such items.
  • Natty beefing up home brew inventory for his annual Dead show reunion gang.  Sounds like a big weekend coming up for these boys…
  • Good luck to Natty's sons in their lacross tournament this weekend.
  • Solid work men, 55 reps of burpees, merkins, squats, mountain climbers, lunges, and World War II's
  • It was an honor men!