Coup d’Force

Event Date

May 14, 2019


Tad bit chilly out this morning so had to pull the long sleeve back out.

Rooter and Bob Ross arrived shortly after I did, and we were surprised as we saw Qbert pulling in

He said he wanted to come join us, but the truth came out that he overslept and missed getting to the Blender

Today's plan was upper body work

Perform exercises and take a lap in between each on.  50 reps each

  • Curls
  • Shoulder press
  • Lawn mower (25 each arm)
  • Curls
  • Lateral raise
  • Bent over row
  • Curls
  • High Lift
  • Skull Crushers

The Force and Qbert convinced YHC to not take the final lap and to move on to MARY

As we were walking back to return the blocks The Force took over calling out to do curls while walking back

While YHC was putting blocks back the Force took over calling an exercise.  I regained control once blocks were back

During MARY Force apparently did not like what were doing and decided to do pretzle crunches, so when the rest of us completed what we were doing YHC called pretzle cruches.

Seems like now that The Force let go of Wilderness he is having separation issues and needs to control other AO's


Thank you all for coming out and allowing me to lead.  Looking for Q's in June so please sign up.