As usual, things got weird at the Outer Limits

Barberino was also in attendance for 89% of the workout.

The usual warmup type procedure was called and then… 

Instead of boring you with the details about the number of reps that were done, here are the

Exercises we did:

– True Muricans

– Twisted Mountain climbers

– Burpees

– Bulgarian split squats

– Lunges

– Pullups

– Chinups

– Commandos

– Squats

– Single Leg Side straddle hops

– Jump Squats

– Bambams

– Hand release Muricans

– Jet fighters

– Moroccan Night club

– Seal claps

– Partner Carries

– Jane Fonda

– Superman

Things we knew:

  • Barberino likes showing up fashionably late
  • Sparknut teaches his kids PE
  • Sparknut likes partner carries
  • Pusher still does not like partner carries
  • Tubbs is Tubbs, not Turd
  • Chicken Noodle likes early morning apples

Things we learned:

  • Barberino may not show on time, but he will show. And showing is half the battle
  • Sparknut teaches his kids PE at 6:30 AM, right after the workout!!
  • Swampthing loves partner carries
  • Tubbs did an adult sleepover to come to the workout today. Dedication!
  • Chicken Noodle also likes earlky morning burpees
  • The jet fighters for ~400 yards to moroccan night club to seal clap is a killer combo. Shoulders smoked without lifting any weight.

Great group of guys at the Outer limits. If you haven't been, come check it out