19 Pax endured another addition of the Jungle Bear.  

We started the day with something that was called the motivator but quickly became the UN-Motivator

Team competition began after that and none of the teams completed the entire circuit.

Team Rocket – which I was not on had 50 points

Team Titan – Which Tital was on 65 points

Team Blockheads – 60 points – lead by Uncle Rico

Team – Too Old for This Shit  – 65 points – they wom the tie breaker because of the name creativity so 1 bonus point awarded.  Lead by Olive

Grand price was a 15 pack of Oskar Blues varietal beers.

Thank you to all the Pax who came out to my 5 year anniversary Q and competition.  I look forward to following those who are laying the next 43 feet of road in front of me while leading other while I am laying down the next 43 feet.  

