Basketball at BRP… Only there’s no basketball

Event Date

May 25, 2019


5 PAX came together on a humid morning for a beatdown at BRP.

Jersey Boy was waiting paitiently as I returned from the Standard. Moses showed up without the cast, great to see his recovery going well! Cousin Eddie is so used to his schedule that he had to make a U-turn but we were glad you made it! Landline and his son Duncan rolled in close to 7. Duncan went down to the football field to work on becoming the next Vinatieri.


  • Slow mosey to the basketball courts
  • SSH, IST, TS, CP, Merican, Plank Jack

The Thang:

  • Suicide on Basketball Court (Free Throw Line, Half Court, Far Free Throw, Far Base Line)
    • 10 Squat
    • 10 Alternating Lunges
    • 10 Calf Raises
    • All IC
    • Repeato 3x
  • Game of H-O-R-S-E
    • Each Pax chooses an exercise and the rest copy
      • Jersey Boy: 20 Bear Squats IC
      • Landline: Slow push up
      • Moses: Flatback Crunch (keep lower back on ground only raise upper back)
      • Cousin Eddie:  Break Dancer
  • 3 Point Contest
    • 5 Stations (2 Corners, 2 Wings, Top of Key)
    • 5 Burpee Shots at each station
      • Every conviently made every shot but Jersey Boy was inside the 3 pt line so he was disqualified.
  • The Shaquille O'Neil
    • In an attempt to re-create his rookie season backboard destroying dunk, 10 squat jumps at a goal OYO
  • Mosey to playground
    • Dip 15 IC
    • Incline Merican 10 IC
    • Decline Merican 10 IC
    • Pull Up
  • Landline went down to the field with his son to help with his Field Goals
    • When he makes it big, we'll take free tickets to his NFL team for letting him borrow you
  • Slow mosey to stairs near soccer field
    • Grab a rock to top of stairs
      • Run down and up stairs
      • 10 Curl, Shoulder Press, Skull Crusher
      • Repeato w/ 15 of each
      • Repeato w/ 20 of each
    • Return rocks
  • At this point I thought we'd be at time for Mary… but alas I was not. Thankfully Moses suggested Partner Push and Pull
    • Push one length of field, switch halfway
    • Pull one length of field, switch halfway
  • Mary

Recover Recover



Great job today, the humidity was killer but we powered through. Glad the PT is going well Moses, getting stronger each day. Thank you Landline and Cousin Eddie for gracing us with your presence. Of course thank you to Jersey Boy for having me as a Q I enjoy coming to BRP, and I know everyone else would too!


Mr. Holland