Dry Finish at Excelsior

Event Date

Jun 01, 2019

It had been a good long time since my last Q, and if it weren’t for the M giving me an elbow in the side at 5:45 saying “Aren’t you supposed to Q?” (Yes, she knows F3 speak) it wouldn’t have happened. A quick splash of water to the face (my face, not the M’s), shoes and socks thrown on, and I was out the door to Richard Barry Park.

Arrived with 5 minutes to spare. Mr Holland was ready to go, warming up for the run. Rooter, Tantrum (not Freedom), and Jaws rolled in from a pre-Excelsior trip to the Rock. Freedom (not Professor) showed just in time to the kickoff.

We kicked off a little after 6, making our way to the Rock with 2-3 stops of pain along the way. At the rock we stared at the sky on our six, contemplatively for a good 30-60 seconds, followed by some ab work. On our trip back to RBP, Mr Holland almost got run over 2-3 times by Huntersville PD, not sure why Jim Kidd Road was being so vigilantly patrolled, but everyone arrived back to the AO intact. It was a dry finish to Jaws’ dismay. Counted off with COT.

It was a good day and worthy of a band photo shoot, thanks to the beautiful sunrise on our way back from the Rock.

I feel like I might be missing someone in the post, so refresh my memory if I did in he comments and I will update accordingly.

Until next time. -Vandelay


UPDATE: As suspect, the details in my story were a bit fuzzy. Post has been edited per Jaws’ recollection of the events!