FNG-1 = Georger Luther, first post and friend of Olive's.  Welcome!

FNG-2 = Zaire, who is The Force's 2.1.

Great crew today at MMM.  It was YHC's first Q here and admittedly, wasn't expecting 25 PAX.  We had a good mix of mumble chatter and hard work, on a warm but not overly humid day.  Here is, roughly what we did:

0500:  Soprano and YHC set off on a nice run standard.  But wait, who's the big dude in the tiny car?  That's Uncle Rico's music!  He recently promised to hit the standard "one of these days" and he fulfilled that promise.  We covered just about 2.5 miles at a conversational pace.

0529:  Move the bells over about 40 feet.  A shameless attempt to get out of blue tooth range from my phone so my Garmin wouldn't beep at me all morning.



  • Mosey around the painted track, with high knees, butt kickers, exaggerated long striders, and some side shuffle.
  • Circle up, disclaimer given.
  • Press Jacks x 15 IC  (Overheard:  Why do you have to be different Turnpike?  Lol)
  • Side power lunge x 10 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 min  (Oyster kindly corrected my form here)

The Thing:

Nothing fancy.  Well, we tried something fancy but it was questionable at best. 

  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Shoulder Press x 10 IC
  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC

Partner Up with someone with a similar sized bell.

  • In the wheelbarrow walk position, but stationary.  Use both bells and do 10 sideways lawnmower pulls, alternating arms, so 5 each.  Veteran Audible:  5 right side, then 5 left, to avoid breaking our wrists.
  • Flip flop and repeato
  • Wheelbarrow walk with bells a ways
  • Flip flop   Nope, nope, nope.  This was probably an even worse idea that was scrapped.

Take a lap around the school.  We went the long way, apparently.  Stop in the back for:

  • Partner 1:  Knee-ups x 15 OYO
  • Partner 2:  Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Flip flop and repeato.  Squats while waiting.

Mosey the rest of the way back to our kettle bells.

  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • High Pulls x 15 OYO  (Some folks call this the upright row *shrug* )
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Skull crushers x 15 OYO
  • Partner Leg throw downs x 25 OYO
  • Flip flop and repeato

Take a lap around the school.  Stop in the back for:

  • Squats x 25 OYO
  • Everyone:  Pull-ups x MAX

Mosey back to our kettle bells.

  • Chest Press x 25 IC
  • Lawmover R / L x 10 each OYO
  • Curls x AMRAP for 1 minute.  Keep count for later.
  • Squat to press x 10 IC

I think it was this point YHC needed a "scrawny guy break" so we took a quick lap around the painted track.  Others were given the option to do Mericans.


  • Curls x AMRAP for 1 minute.  Try to beat the reps from before.
  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Mason Twist x 10 IC
  • Heels to heaven to front x 30 seconds AMRAP
  • Elbow plank until time, about 45 seconds.

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.23 miles according to my Strava.


  1. A hearty welcome to first post FNG George Luther.  (Olive please correct me if I mis-spelled the name).  George was partners with YHC and The Force and he was working out there!  Thanks Olive for bringing him out and for watching the 6.
  2. Appreciate the run standard with Soprano and Uncle Rico.  Soprano wanted to cover 3 miles but YHC coaxed him into only 2.5.  That allowed for a more 2nd F friendly pace and it allowed for time for a sip of water before the main event.
  3. Little Professor and Zaire rocking it out there.  Nice work young men.  Zaire attacked one of the rims on the b-ball court like it owed him money.  YHC urged him to be careful and not to hurt himself, but now I realize that is probably dumb-sounding advice from a 40 year old to a 19 year old.
  4. YHC needs to stop calling partner leg throw downs.  Let's just say I sweat a lot on hot days but The Force was a good sport about it.
  5. Plenty of respects in the crowd, very motivating.  We had Deep Dish, Dr. Suess, Shaken Not Stirred, Oyster, Riverboat, Metallica (newly a respect!), and Johnny Cash.  You guys all crushed it.
  6. Ludi and Dr. Seuss were "Kotters" today.  Welcome back gentleman, good to see you and please keep posting!
  7. Happy Birthday Moses!  47 no correction, 48.  He crushed the workout with other "mid 40s" dudes:  Holiday, Stapler, and Landline.  Nice job gents. 
  8. Overheard Hat Trick:  "Question, will there be a repeato?" 
  9. Waffle House and Easy, sorry we didn't even get a chance to chat!  Next time brothers.  Not used to Qing for crowds quite this big. 
  10. Omega, appreciate the opportunity to lead!  This may have been slightly run heavy, but YHC was heeding professional advice from young Cousin Eddie:  Sometimes breaking up the upper body work with some running is good for injury prevention.  Aye.

Enjoyed it gents, Turnpike.