D-Day Remembered

Event Date

Jun 06, 2019

I picked up a last-minute Q at Dragon Slayer this week.  Scrambling for an idea for the workout, I took to the internet to see if anything special happened on June 6.  To my surprise today is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion in history.  Feeling slightly embarrassed (and a little ashamed) that I did not know this fact, I decided to have a D-Day theme for today.  Our story is below…

Even though I only half committed to the Standard, Anchovy and Uncle Rico met me for ~2.5 miles before the beatdown (Anchovy was closer to 3 miles)


Mosey through the parking lot

Gave a quick disclaimer and the announcement of the theme today


10 X Toy Soldiers IC

D-Day Fact 1: The code name for the Allies for the invasion was Operation Neptune.  It was also openly known as Operation Overlord.

15 X Burpees OYO

Mosey to Pull Up Forest

The Thang

D-Day Fact 2: 8 countries fought for the Allied forces: US, UK, Canada, Australia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Norway, France

15 X Burpees OYO

3 rounds of 10 X Commando Pull-Ups followed by 10 X WWII’s

D-Day Fact 3: The Allies had 10,000+ casualties with 4,414 confirmed dead.  In comparison, Germany had 4,000-9,000 estimated casualties.

15 X Burpees OYO

In remembrance of the casualties, we did partner drags through the grass ~75M

Mosey back to the kettle bells

D-Day Fact 4: The Allies had 156,000 soldiers with 195,700 Naval personnel.  In comparison, Germany was estimated to have 50,360+ personnel

15 X Burpees OYO

Kettle Bell Work:

10 X Curls IC

10 X Bent Over Row IC

10 X Overhead Press IC

10 X Goblet Squat IC

10 X Kettle Bell Press w/ Low Flutter

10 X Skull Crusher IC

15 X Kettle bells swings OYO…that makes 75, don’t get technical on me!*smile*

Recovery lap around the parking lot

D-Day Fact 5: The two commanding offices for the US Allied forces were Dwight Eisenhour and Omar Bradley

15 X Burpees OYO

Slow mosey back to the church for Mary


20 X WWII’s IC (Fescue)

10 X Crunchy Frog IC (Rooter)

11 X Freddy Mercury’s IC (Anchovy)

5 X Pretzel Crunch IC (Uncle Rico)

10 X Mason Twist IC (Boar Hog)

15 X Jane Fonda’s IC (Fescue)

10 X Slow Mericans IC (Rooter)

10 X Dips IC (Anchovy)

10 X Soprano Mericans IC (Uncle Rico…hover for ten seconds, go up, hover for 9 seconds, go up, and so on…)

15 X Box Cutter IC (Boar Hog)

25 X WWII’s IC (Fescue…that makes 75!)

Recover, Recover


  • After announcing the theme Boar Hog explained he was a bit of a subject matter expert on D-Day.  After a slight misstep on the first question (Code Name Uranus?), he totally redeemed himself. 
  • Forgot to add in one extra bit of trivia:  There were five beaches as part of the invasion (Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword).  Omaha took the worst casualties.  All data was from Wikipedia, feel free to fact check!
  • Felt good to get out on a rare standard (for me) with Uncle Rico and Anchovy.  Great discussion on the direction of F3.
  • For those counting, that was 75 burpees, 75 WWII’s and 75 kettle bell reps
  • Great work by everyone today!  I was sucking wind but the effort from everyone kept me pushing.
