Frogger vs. the Gnats

Event Date

Jun 08, 2019

I had a slightly elaborate plan laid out the night before, but was hesitant to triple down.  Sent Turnpike a DM on twitter, told him I'd bail on RR10K at 0430 if no message.  Woke up and of course he was in, Turnpike cares about my fitness!  Anyway, this is why I forgot my Weinke and planned workout, instead I went with something close.

2 laps around track for warmup and back to picnic tables


IST X 15

CCD X 10 (Yes BEP I called these in warmup)

Cotton/Cherry Picker X 10

Streeeeetch – Pigeon toe strech

The Thang:

Call on Pax #1 (Rooter) gimme a number between 2-13, 8….so we did

easy lap around track

8 Merkins

8 Jump Squats

8 WW2 Situps

8 Count rest

and so on – we covered 2,3,4,5,7,9,10 and about 3 miles (I missed restarting my watch)

here was the key

2-4 Sprint a lap (cause low amount of pain)

5-8 Mosey Lap

9-12 run to top of hill w/Rock (longest run, but not hard)

Mary around the horn and done.

Was wondering how I got all those bugs on me and down the shirt until I heard Debo make a comment from the track.  gotta give him credit he's there every Saturday by himself rain or shine.  Then our friend Frogger, or at least his compadre was hanging at the bench having a feast and hopping around, nice to have you.

Also, so glad to have you guys out there in the gloom, RR10k was huuuumid, a lesser man (without Turnpike and/or Rooter) may have grabbed coffee.First triple of the year for me, many more I'm sure and look forward to more of the PAX joining.  As always, thanks to all for joining and running with me this morning!