48 is the new … well 48

10 Wilderness regulars and Royale took on many dozens of repetitions for Tagless’ 48th birthday beatdown.



  • Mosey lap around parking lot; second lap with High Knees and Butt Kickers circle at Whoville tree.
  • SSH x 48 IC; Windmill x 12 IC: IST x 12 IC; Mountain Climbers x 12 IC; Cotton Pickers x 12 IC
  • 12 burpees OyO



  • Mosey to Queens Corner:  1) 12 Merkins x IC 3) 12 Squats x IC 3) 12 LBCs x IC 4) 12 burpees OyO
  • Mosey to pain clock. Early finishers on each cycle hold the Al Gore until six completes cycle.
    • 1¼  lap run; 12 Jump Squats OyO
    • 1¼  lap run; 12 Jump Squats w/ quarter turn OyO
    • 1¼  lap run; 12 Reverse Lunges per leg OyO
    • 1¼  lap run; 12 Monkey Humpers x IC
  • To rock pile
  • 12 full curls x IC / 12 overhead press x IC / 12 squats with rock x IC / 12 skull crushers x IC
  • Mosey to pain clock. Early finishers on each cycle hold the Al Gore until six completes cycle.
    • ¼ lap bear crawl + full lap run; 12 burpees OyO
    • ¼ lap crab walk + full lap run; 12 Carolina Dry Docks SC OyO
    • ¼ lap lunge walk + full lap run; 6 Scorpion Dry Docks SC per each leg OyO (12 total)
    • 1¼  lap quadraphilia and pick-up the six; 12 Should tap Merkins x IC   
  • To rock pile
  • 12 Russian Twists x IC / 12 flutter kicks x IC / 12 chest presses x IC / 12 squats with rock x IC


  • Mosey back to Queens Corner: 
  • Muhammad Alis x 12 IC, Shoulder Dips x 12 IC;  Freddy Mercury x 12 IC; 12 burpees OyO
  • Mosey back to Whoville tree



  • 12 WWII sit-ups OyO / Crunchy Frog x 12 IC /  J-LO x 12 IC  (Amen) / 12 Low Dollys x IC


Recover – Recover




  • YHC is about to complete 48 laps around the big ball and is extremely blessed and grateful for all he’s been given: health, family, friends, and prosperity. It’s all been from God and he’s in control.
  • Apologies to all those expecting a burpee free workout. The 48 burpees was a self-imposed challenge since business travel earlier in the week had limited ability to post.
  • YHC tried to mix legs and shoulder work for a complete workout because I care about your complete fitness.
  • Continued prayers for Shooter’s father in ICU with leukemia and Toxic’s co-worker with early onset dementia. YHC’s own father is a testament to the power of prayers from F3. He was diagnosed with lymphoma in early April and confined to hospital bed and has now returned home and able to walk and lead an active life.
  • Royale (War Baby) and Rocket (War Daddy) and both crushed it. Royale’s not just a runner anymore and expect Top Gun to EH him for a Q in the near future. Running workouts are encouraged.
  • Thanks to Top Gun for the privilege of leading at the best AO in all of LKN. It is great to visit the other AOs, but it’s also great to be on familiar territory with familiar faces and with its unique starting time.



