Gorillas in the Mist

Not listed on the web-site is Salami

Coming off a week of vacation at the beach – it was time to ease back into the glook.  I loaded the clown car with my frequent Battle Buddy – Deep Dish, and we left Huntersville and headed north for the People's Republic.

Nice crowd for a Monday – and when Stumpjumper came in hot – we knew it was time to start.

Warm-o-rama had all of your favorites: SSH, IST, Mericans, Toy Soldier, Mountain Climbers, Stretchy Stretchy


Mosey to DUMC and grab a paver.  Or if you're Baby Back – grab 4 bricks – more on that later.

Circle Up – All exercises done IC with about 12 reps: Curls, Shoulder Press, Curl to Press, Bent over Rows

Take a lap up the steps to Main Street and come back to your paver

Round 2: All Exrecises done IC – reps varied, Progressive Curls, Shoulder Press, Bent over Rows, Skull Crushers, On your 6 for – Chest Press IC

Low Flutters, Homer to Marge

Take another lap

Put the pavers up and grab a sand bag

To be clear – not all sand bags are created equal.  There are a few real smokers in the pile.  Choose wisely.

I had promised a Gorilla Approved workout in my pre-blast.  The PB featured a phot of WWE (back when it was the WWF) legend Gorilla Monsoon.  No workout theme with the gorilla reference – just one exercise.

The Gorilla Hop – it sucks.  No one likes it.  

Squat down – while maintaining hold on your bag – reach out and extend the bag forward.  Catch your feet up to the bag by hopping.  You look like a gorilla.  We did this about halfway across the parking lot – that's enough. 

We then rotated bags – everyone take a step to the right.  Some were happy – YHC, not so much.  My new bag was YUUUUGE.

From the center of the lot – heave your bag towards the dumpsters.  Retrieve it and repeato all the way to the dumpsters.

Find a partner.

Partner A farmer carries both sandbags.

Partner B does 5 Burpees and then catches up to Partner A.

We completed a circuit around the lot – which was about 15-20 burpees for each partner.

Internmission – everyone take a bag free lap around the lot.

Round 2

Partner A farmer carry

Partner B 10 Jump Squats then catch your partner.

Moving sand bag curls back towards home

At the traffic bump – start the Gorilla Hop.

Put the bags away – mosey to the green.



Pretzel Crunch

Elbow Plank/J-Lo/Elbow Plank

Recover Recover

Dian Fossey (yes that's how you spell it, I looked it up) Moleskine

– Great group of men this morning.  Just what I needed after a week at the beach.  I hope you all got what you came for,

– Nice coffeteria – a little convergence with some of the Pain Lab guys – had about half a dozen at Summit

– Glad to have Deep Dish back in DAV.  More times than not – it's our night before Texts that confirm we'll be posting.  Would be easy to fart sack more without the motivation.

– Wendesday Night – Summit Coffee on Campus.  Come for dinner at 6:30.  Causual drop in.  Pusher is leading the chare for a successful 2nd F.

– Have a great week.  Always an honor to be among you fine men.



