Dirt, Sweat, Tears, Rocks, Post-It Notes

"FNG-1" is Brain who still hasn't figured out the website yet.  Isn't that ironic, don't you think?  "FNG-2" is actually a "Kotters," Big Spud who hasn't been out perhaps since we have had our own website.  Welcome back, brother.

12 men met in the thick, merky, humid gloom for what was to be a sweat fest.  YHC planned what I thought was a fun way to burn some calories.  Little did I know that was far from reality…

A little warm-up run around DPK to the basement of the parking deck where I disseminated the disclaimer, "It's already your fault for following me this far."  SSH x15ic, IST x10ic, Squats x10ic Windmill x10ic, Arm Circles (at your leisure), Down Dog for a bit.  Grab a rock from the rockpile and return it to the bottom of the deck for…

THE THANG: (Rules…From this point forward, 3 burpees before you pick up your rock, 3 burpees directly after you set it down.  Whenever you pass a landing, do the exercises on the post-it note.  When you finish 'Mericans at the end of each level, plank for the 6)

Level 1: 10 'Mericans

Level 2: 3 burpees, pick up rock, Zamperini to the next level, put rock down, 3 burpees, 15 WW2 Sit Ups, Run back down to Level 1 for 10 'Mericans

Level 3: Run up to level 2 for 15 WW2 Sit Ups, 3 burpees, pick up rock, Zamperini to the next level, put rock down, 3 burpees, 20 CDDs, run down to Level 2 for 15 WW2 Sit Ups, then to level 1 for 10 'Mericans

Level 4: Run to level 2, 15 WW2 Sit Ups, Level 3, 20 CDDs, 3 burpees, pick up rock, Zamperini to level 4, put rock down, 3 burpees, 25 Jump Squats, back down, 20 CDDs, 15 WW2 Sit Ups, 10 'Mericans

Level 6: Level 2 (15 WW2 Sit Ups), Level 3 (20 CDDs), Level 4 (25 Jump Squats), 3 burpees, pick up rock, Zamperini PAST LEVEL 5 (where Camp Gladiator has laid its claim at this AO) to level 6, put rock down, 30 LBCs, back down, 25 Jump Squats, 20 CDDs, 15 WW2 Sit Ups, 10 'Mericans

Level 7: Level 2 (15 WW2 Sit Ups), Level 3 (20 CDDs), Level 4 (25 Jump Squats), Run through Level 5, Level 6 (30 LBCs), 3 burpees, pick rock up, Zamperini, put rock down, 3 burpees, 35 Squats, 3 more burpees, pick up rock and take it down the stairs back to the rock pile.

Time is running out and YHC didn't want to have to collect all those post-it notes by myself.  So ,we did one more round without rocks and performed half the reps at each level (This is your MARY).  Back down the stairs to the getaway vehicles.




-I cannot believe how humid it was this morning.  We left a lot of puddles on that parking deck.  I thought was going to be slightly cooler in the basement…nope…outside on the upper decks?…nope.

-Great group of guys this morning.  It was a very diverse pax.  The mumblechatter was overt and often quite humorous.

-Welcome back to Big Spud.  It's been a while.

-I was easily influenced by Caboose's power of suggestion a few times.  He REALLY wanted to use the stairwell.

-I think I overheard someone saying Camp Gladiator was asking why we kept leaving our rocks behind and that we were somehow lesser men because of it (I may be embellishing the truth here a little).  I would put any one of these non-paying F3 men this morning against any one of the $60/month CG crew without hesitation.