Substitute Teacher at The General

YHC rolled in to the General AO around 0520, after dropping off a few toys (more on this below) near the entrance.

Around this time, YHC saw Tagless running into the AO, presumably finishing up a (solo?) Standard.  Tagless noticed YHC dropping off said toys and said something to the effect of "uh oh."

As the pax began to assemble in the parking lot, Tagless made his way to the Westmoreland Park facilities to take care of an urgent issue that had apparently just come up.  Unfortunately, the facilities were determined to be locked, leaving Tagless with, I'm guessing, one of two options.  He decided to make a hasty exit in his car, and that was the last we saw of him this morning.  Hope you made it in time, brother.

Also present at the AO in the minutes before the workout commenced was Omega, who it appeared may have run a Standard as well (with Soprano?  Or did Omega and Soprano both run with Tagelss?)……but he too departed, saying that he needed to get home.

After all of the comings and goings, we had 10 pax.  FNG-1 is Three Rivers (still not on site? gotta get you added, brother!).  OK, let's go……

0530: Mosey to……HOLD UP…… Q was quickly admonished by multiple pax that I'd forgotten the Pledge.  Cobains.


NOW mosey around parking lot and circle up.  Disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 15 IC

2 more pax – Lone Star and Tupak, I believe – strolled in at this point, bringing us to a dozen.

  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Calf Stretch on curb x 15 each leg OYO


Mosey to concession stand / facilities building.  Grab some wall.

  • People's Chair 30 sec followed by Overhead Clap x 15 IC while on wall.  Recover / shake out.
  • People's Chair 30 sec followed by Touch Them Heels x 15 IC while on wall.  Recover / shake out.
  • People's Chair 30 sec followed by Air Press x 15 IC while on wall.  Recover / shake out.
  • Feet on wall 30 degrees for 30 sec followed by Peter Parker x 15 IC while on wall.

Mosey back through parking lot to one end of entrance road.  Partner up.

Dora 1-2-3 – complete the following as a team:

  • 100 Squats
  • 200 Hand Release Mericans
  • 300 WWII Situps

Partner 1 commences exercise while Partner 2 runs lap to front of entrance to AO (near Westmoreland Rd).

The "toys" YHC had stashed by the entrance were 30# coupons.  If any of these coupons are available (i.e. not in use) as you're running by them, grab one and do 5 curls, then continue running.

Audibled from 200 HR Mericans to 150 HR Mericans + 50 Mericans.  Audibled from 300 to 200 WWII Situps due to time.  Low flutters until all pax finished (thanks for leading this, Mr. H).

Mosey back through parking lot to playground.  Stop halfway for Monkey Humpers x 15 IC.

At playground:

  • P1 dips AMRAP
  • P2 pullups x 10 OYO
  • Flip-flop
  • Repeato x 2

Mosey back to cars and circle up.

  • Forward fold to chair pose to twisting prayer pose (right)
  • Forward fold to chair pose to twisting prayer pose (left)
  • Plank to cobra, back to plank.  Right leg up and swing through to pigeon.
  • Plank to cobra, back to plank.  Left leg up and swing through to pigeon.
  • Rosalita x 15 IC
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC

Recover, recover.


  • Great work by the pax this morning.  Didn't complain…..just put their head down and worked.
  • Cobains on the HR Mericans…. those are always tough.
  • Tclaps Cherry Bomb for donning the weighted vest through most of this workout.
  • Thanks to Magnus for the post workout coffee.  Always great 2nd F at the General.  Magnus was also dropping some interesting WWII knowledge as we were laboring through the Dora.
  • Thanks to MQ Eeyore for reaching out to YHC and asking for a Q when he saw the calendar was empty this week.  Appreciate your allowing YHC to lead this morning.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in summer 2016.  Forever grateful.
