Water Boy

Event Date

Jun 22, 2019


5 gathered together from the gloom to start the longest Saturday of the year right.  Theuss and YHC came screaming in from the SVU Summer Tri Series (with Hefty, Kaczynski, and Twinkle) to see Skipper and Abrams(!!) warming up.  Shirley comes sneaking in from the path; carrying Skippers favorite Tyler TX water bottle.  Good times had by all, and it went a little something like this.

20x SSH
10x windmill
10x merkins
10x low country crabs

Back to the back to pick up some blocks.
10-15 pull ups before grabbing a block.
At the launch pad, the plan is further developed/figured out.
4 blocks needed.  5th guy is the water boy.
Periodic stops for pain stations will prompt a rotation of the water bottles.

Block mosey to top of hill.
5 burpees

Block mosey to first crossroads.
Blocks down.  Group mosey down to end of cul-de-sac.  Jail break back up.  Burpees until last man up has 5 burpees.
*** Abrams tests his bionic legs a little and blows away the field.

Block mosey to next road.
setup blocks double-stacked, merkin width apart.
Rotation of 10 negative merkins, run down to cul-de-sac, quadraphelia back up.
*** Skipper notes that the water boy's work is getting easier

Block mosey to the clubhouse and setup a 4-corner rotation with clubhouse run timer.
– negative merkins
– alternating lunges
– squats
*** Skipper jettison's his empty water bottle into the garbage.  Water boy has it easier.  
*** Abrams offers to wring out his shirt to fill up Skipper's water botte.  
*** We all gag.

Start heading back.
Repeat-o on the negative merkins, run, quadraphelia
Repeat-o on the 5 burpess
Long run back to the back.
*** Shirley just killin' every single block run

10x Jane Fondas each side
*** Skipper mentions that the pax did 240 on Tuesday.  yikes!
10x low dollies
10x high Peter Parkers
10x yoga ball pass-backs….just extend, then touch 2 feet with 2 hands…geez
*** Abrams says that touching toes is hard enough without the yoga ball
1 minute of 'merican Hammers


Reflection: Ecclesiastes 1:2-14  Everything is Meaningless…the eye never has enough seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing…I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind[which can never be caught].
– really enjoying a recent podcast series by Andy Stanley, "You're Not the Boss of Me," where he provides Biblical truths to help us realize the God is in control, where unfortunately anger, envy, guilt, etc. are often the things that drive us.
– http://northpoint.org/messages/youre-not-the-boss-of-me/
– podcast: North Point Community Church
– Here's the online summary  "Envy causes us to compare and compete with others in an unhealthy way. It brings arrogance when we’re winning and discouragement when we’re not. It robs us of contentment and causes us to feel like—as an ancient king put it—we’re chasing after the wind. But envy doesn’t have to be the boss."
– Check out one of those links; really great lesson.

– sprinkled throughout in the *** notes
– Theuss and YHC struggled with energy after participating in the SVU tri ahead of time.  Good times with Hefty, Kaczynski, and Twinkle as well.  Pretty sure a nap is going to happen…zzzz…Beginners always welcome.
– Discussion about a F3DenverNC family day at the clubhouse prior to Metro's 7/18 move.
– Congrats to Anvil's son for graduating bootcamp and to the whole Anvil clan for supporting an active solder.  Thank you to all of you.  Great Facebook pics celebrating the occasion.
– Abrams on the Welcome Back Kotter tour, getting some miles in and looking forward to getting back in shape after two months of injury recovery.
– Good times 2nd F'ing at Cabbellas.  Great job to the many Mustangers who volunteered for a Habitat build in Lincolnton, including Hefty, Kaczinski, and Twinkle after the triathlon!
– Hoping Shirley's injuries start healing up; still faster than greased lightening even when hobbling along.

Have a great week fellas – Be brave and be where the Holy Spirit is leading you –

Always an honor to lead