It’s better than getting coffee

Event Date

Jun 22, 2019

The 4 PAX listed all tackled the Reverse River Rat 10k to kick the day off (and by tackled I mean got ran over by), but fought through the urge to split for coffee and stuck it out for some movement and mobility work at Excelsior.  YHC prompted the PAX to grab two blocks each (which prompted some groans and murmers of "maybe coffee wasn't such a bad idea"), but YHC quickly led into some stretching with set the PAX at ease.  After a thorough stretch we transitioned into a circuit consisting of running a lap, then farmers carry and some mericans.  We continued this for the rest of the time, walking a lap here and there, but keeping the blood flowing and the bodies moving.  It was no Spartan Race, but it was better than skipping out for coffee!