Game, Set, Match – HUMIDITY

YHC had promised Fescue that I would take a Q at The Viking a while back.  Been swimming in the cement pond with the tri-guys on Tuesday and Thursday – so this was one of the first dates I could take.  It was great to be back at North Meck park with a crew of seasoned veterans.  


Mosey to the parking lot near the baseball field – with some karaoke and some backwards joggy jog along the way

Circle up: SSHx25 IC, Windmill, SSHx20 IC, IST, SSHx15 IC, Mericans, SSHx10 IC, Toy Soldiers, SSHx5 IC

Split into two groups of 4 and Indian Run to the rocks up over yonder hill


ROCK WORK – Curls, Shoulder Press, Progressive Curls, Shoulder Press, Skull Crushers, Bent over rows, Squats, 8 ct Body Builders

Set the rocks aside – and head to the tennis courts

Snake through the three courts figure 8 style – line up on the side on court 1 after the snake

YHC identified which lines we would be using across three courts – 11 lines in all

Line 1 – 5 Jump Squats, Return to the starting point 5 mericans

Line 2 – 10 Jump Squats, Return for 10 mericans

Lines 3 – 5: continue progression 15, 20, 25

Lines 6 – 11: 10 Jump Squats, 10 mericans

Snake through the three courts – gather in the corner near the exit

Earlier, Cherry Bomb had picked up a stray tennis ball and threw it towards the exit.  Seeing an opportunity to use a prop – the Q challenged Cherry Bomb to throw the ball into the farthest court.  If it came to rest in bounds – the PAX would do 5 burpees, out of bounds was 10 burpees.  Like a pro (see more on this below) CB nailed it = 5 burpees.

Head out of the tennis court to the parking lot where we left our rocks.

No More Rock Work

Line up for hill repeats x 5

Grab your rocks and put them away

Mosey home


LBCs x 25 IC, Low Flutter x 20 IC, Pretzel Crunch 12 IC both sides

Recover, Recover

Overhead Smash Moleskine

– Great group this morning – nice to be back at the Viking – I will return soon

– Cherry Bomb told us after he placed the tennis ball with precision that he is a former ball boy and has worked some big tournaments in Florida.  There was discussion as to whether he should have recused himself from the burpee challenge.  The jury is still out.

– Fescue – thanks for the opportunity to lead.  I always appreciate you taking some Qs in Davidson to help me fill the calendar each month.  

– This was a real sweat fest, stay hydrated my friends

– We discussed next week being the week of Cherry Bomb, and F3 Gears Comedy Night August 27th – more details to follow.

– Lifted up Shooter's dad in COT as he receives treatment for Leukemia.  

