1-year Anniversary Q(s)

The 3rd Leg of the Triple Down and my 1-year anniversary Q started out with a small crowd but attendance nearly doubled when the Code Blue Clown Car rolled-in just prior to launch.  The previous week at the Estate was Q'd by multple PAX but there was no time left on the clock for Baller to get his turn. I advised he could work-in and lead during the following week.  Baller agreed and then confirmed at arrival that he would lead some of the work out.  The concern I had now was how much time to give an him knowing he has fresh legs and I'm a mere 10-days back to full workouks after the broken ankle hiatis.   The last thing I wanted was to get smoked on my own anniversary Q.  Luckily, I had Tantrum to assist me in keeping him in check.


Mosey to the Shovel Flag for the Pledge.

SSH — IC – 20

IST — IC – 10

Toy Soldier — IC – 10

Windmill — IC – 10

Arm Circles — Forward / Backward OYO


The Thang

Grab a block.  (YHC intended to Zamperini over to the playground but the PAX took it upon themselves to for a circle in the parking lot, so I just went with it.)

Block Work — Full Curls Shoulder Press, Skull Crushers, Lawn Mower – 1 set each, IC – 10

Zamperini with the block to the back of the playground near the gate.  Partner up.

Partner 1 will do block squats while partner 2 goes to the playground equipment and does 5 pull-ups.  Once complete he returns to Partner 1 and trade places.  Repeato until everyone completes 5 sets of block and 5 rounds of pull-ups.

Zamperini back to the the parking lot and form a semi-circle around the flag.

In honor of America's week, we paid tribute to our great nation with the following:

WWII Sit-ups – 20

Mercans – IC – 20

WWII Sit-ups (Feet in the blocks) – 20

Shoulder Touch Mercans – IC – 10 (I asked Snake Eyes if he knew an exercise that may fit the theme of the previous few exercises.  On point, he led us with the AO's finest exercise.)

With your block, find your partner.  Partner 1 give your block to Partner 2 and begin 25 LBC's.  Partner 2 carry both blocks at your waste in an attempt to make a trip around the parking lot.  Partner 1 after competing the LBC's is to sprint to Partner 2 and retrieve both blocks.  Partner 2 drop and begin LBC's while Partner 1 continues on the treck around the parking lot.  Repeato until the team makes it back to the Shovel Flag.

At this point 7:31am, Baller was handed the keys and I advised he could take all or as little of the remaining 29-minutes.  I didn't think that baller could beat me down too bad in 29-minutes.  A few of the PAX assumed block work was complete and began to return the blocks.  Baller quickly advised they needed to be carried to the track.  

Track Work (Baller)

1st Excercise — The Block Burpee – OYO – 10 (For the record, I immediately knew that 29 minutes was 28 minutes too long and a self-inflicked beating was about to commence.)

Block work continued including shoulder presses, chest presses, curls, alternating block mercans, LBC's.

I apologize but I do not remember all of the exercises in the correct order, but trust me, it was brutal.

4-Corners — One trip around the track stopping for an exercise at each corner.  Mosey in the turns, Sprint the Straight-aways.

Repeato with the block exercises including the block burpee.  10 seemed to be the trend with the burpees but the other exercises varied in counts between 7 and 12.  Not sure the exact reasoning, but Baller definitely kept us on our toes.

Slow mosey around the track.  

Return to block work multiple more rounds of block burpees, curls, alternating block mercans, chest presses now with bicycle kicks, LBC's, squats, and shoulder presses.

Return the Blocks and circle up for Mary.


Spring to first island.  Sprint back to shovel flag and circle up.

3 exercises later — Recover Recover


Turns out this was Baller's 1-year Anniversary as well.  Thanks for all you did brining this workout out.  It was definitely one of the toughest 30-minutes of tennure and you made us all ALOT better for it.

Tantrum somehow talked Mooch in to staying for the Estate.  My guess is that won't happen again in the near future.

FNG1 – Start (Code Blue 2.0)

FNG2 – Stripes (Code Blue 2.0)

FNG3 – Dave – First post (Code Blue's friend.)

Motorpool made the trip over from Mighty Jungle.  We hope to see you again soon.

Tantrum was on-point with the mumble chatter towards me.  It is always welcomed.

Rooter on-point (with minimal results) with the mumble chatter towards baller.

Several men completed the abbreviated triple down (98, Rooter, and Tantrum) while Mooch completed the double down.  Great work by all.

Mooch to post the link to sign up for the Lake Norman Relay.

Thanks to all that attended my Anniversary Q and thank you Rooter for letting me lead this fine group.