The Hacksaw Jim Duggan Workout

Event Date

Jul 03, 2019

On the eve of our country's anniversary, 4 gloom warriors showed up on a hot humid night to put their deposits down for freedom with a weighted workout.  This is called the Hacksaw Jim Duggan workout because the exercises are done in a 2X4 manner (roughly, don't check the math). Here is the story of how everyone kicked off the festivities for the 4th:

Warm O'Rama

  • SSH X10 IC
  • Merican X10 IC
  • IST X10 IC
  • Small arm circles forward then back X10 IC

Lets get to work!

The Main Thing

Partner up – size does not matter.   Swanson and Worlfgang worked together, Burning Bush and YHC partnered.

  • Round 1
    • Partner 1 puts resistance bands around their wrists and does a plank walk, while 
    • Partner 2 overhead throws the Slam Ball from cone to cone, twice
    • Flapjack, repeato, 2X
  • Round 2
    • The restistance bands go to the ankles and Partner 1 does a side shuffle, while
    • Partner 2 side throws the slam ball from cone to cone, twice
    • Flapjack, repeato 2X
  • Round 3
    • The resistance bands stay on the ankes while Partner 1 does a Monster Walk (legs wider than the shoulders), while
    • Partner 2 does a back toss over the head, twice (like a Scottish Caber Toss)
    • Flapjack, repeato 2X
  • Round 4
    • Partner 1 gets the luxury of lacing up with two sets of resistance bands – ankles and knees and does side shuffles to and from the cones X2, but first ….
    • Partner 1 puts a 45 lbs weight plate on their Partner 2's shoulders while Partner 2 planks
    • Flapjack, repeato 2X
  • Round 5
    • Partner 1 keeps the two sets of resistance bands and does a side shuffle, while
    • Partner 2 holds a hip bridge and holds up the slam ball above their chest
  • Round 6
    • Partner 1 does a side shuffle with the 45 lb weight plate and performing a side twist down and back on the cones
    • Partner 2 holds a hip bridge with glutes squeezed and one leg held up in the air
    • Flapjack, repeato 4X

Put the weights away…

2 minutes of Mary

Line up in a high plank, and pass the 35 lbs kettle bell side to side until we go all the way down and back with the KB. Move into a high plank where your quads go perpendicular to the gound and your shins are parallel to the ground, and pass the KB 2X each way. 

Recover, recover …

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Swanson met his neighbor Jenny for the 14th consecutive time when Jenny stopped by for some HDHH at Primal
  • The Taco Truck was absolutely legit at Primal – the Chorizo was fantastic – Wolfgang thought that the pork was a little too fatty but still tasty and worth the $2.50 a taco.   Burning Bush validated the Chorizo and really like the chicken. We may need to consider an upgrade to Primal for HDHH
  • Wolfgang told some good stories about his Euro vacation.  If anyone is looking for a caretaker for a dog or children, he comes from good stock and is looking to pick up additional work
  • Swanson really likes to try and pull off high planks that look more like a downwarddog but I think the weight plates cured that. 
  • Burning Bush loves these workouts because. we don't run.  But we sure do get some good cardio.
  • That workout will definitely leave a mark…