“Pretty Slim” (Mailman Quote) 19 Men and Kids Sweat while Mailman Fartsacks

19 of the "Slim Number of People working out" (Mailman says but from his warm bed likely) Pax worked out in the humidity and early morning dew including 4 FNG's.  


 The Thang

Warm o Rama

14 Imperial Storm Troopers

14 Asparagus Pickers

13 Windmills

14 Wide slow count Merkins

25 Side Stradde Hops

13 Kentucky or Tenessee 

50 ft Butt Kickers

50ft deep lunges

13 Slow Deep Squat

Core Workout

14 Dips 

14 Narrow Merkins

Repeato with decline merkins and slow dips

Indian Run to Pull up Bars

15 pull ups

15 LBC's

Run to next and 15 dips and 15 LBC's and run to hill 
Quadraphilia up with 15 LBC's.


Over to the wall and 3x Preachers Chair until it hurt

Single leg calf raises 13 counts

Repeato 2x


Dips and Mary



Since we were slim in numbers with only 19 of us (says Mailman) we were able to welcome a few new FNG's who just moved into the area along with Scrum who is a F3'er from Atlanta.  Welcome to some of the pax's kids who joined us and thus we see miracles seeing teenagers up on a Saturday morning at 7AM?  An announcement was made about Mailman's challenge for better turnouts to the AO's this next week.