One part humidity, a kettlebell and limited breathing makes the man.

17 PAX entered the hot humid morning for #MMM. Their story is as follows:

Warm Up

Side Straddle Hopx25, Windmillx10, Imperial Storm Trooperx10, Toy Soldierx10, Chicken FLapperx25, Chicken Flapper Pulsex25 Dingle Berry Pickersx10

Head over to the Kettlebells

Goblet Squatx15, Bent Over Rowsx15, Shoulder Pressx15, Curlsx15, Skull Crushersx15, Kettle Bell Swingx15, on your six-chest pressx25

·       Pulse ‘Mericans or Staplers x50 – Run a Lap

·       Return, LBCsx25

(Single Arm) Squat to Pressx10, Lawn Mowerx10, Shoulder Pressx10, Curlsx10, Skull Crushersx10, Kettle Bell Swingx10, on your six-chest pressx15

·       Run a Lap

·       Pretzel Crunchx15 each let

Head over to the playground

·       Pull Upsx10

·       Step Upsx10 each leg

·       Dipsx10

Head over to the Kettlebells

Kettle Bell Lungesx10 each leg, Squat to pressx10, Bent Over Rowsx10, Shoulder Pressx10, Curlsx10, Skull Crushersx10, Kettle Bell Swingx10, on your six-chest pressx25

Mary – x15 each

Low flutter, Rosalitta, Pretzel Crunch-Rightx15 / Leftx15, Jane Fondax15, plank into ‘Mericansx10, Finish with LBCs


Great work by everyone. Welcome Chad (Black Sox)

Thank you for the guidance on overhead press Outlaw. It is not that I wasn’t fully doing the exercise, it’s just that I have a huge head and alligator arms, so it looks like I’m not getting a full extension.

The best advice of the day came from Oyster, “you might want to work in some breathing or you are going to pass out.” Point well taken, thanks brother.

Always a pleasure to workout with such a great bunch of men. Thank you Omega and thank you to all the PAX.