First Q at Arnie’s Army Almost a Q Fail!

Event Date

Jul 08, 2019

As I was pulling into the driveway last night ~9:30pm after a 12 hour drive from Indiana, I thought to myself how great it was going to be to sleep in tomorrow.  I then checked my phone, and saw a note from Auto to make sure I was good for my Q tomorrow.  Oops…for some reason I thought I had it in a couple weeks!  I sucked it up and we did an “after holiday” friendly routine.


Quick mosey through the parking lot

Had an FNG today, so gave a quality disclaimer



10 X Toy Soldiers IC

10 X Cotton Pickers IC

10 X Windmill IC

Plank to Pigeon to Plank to Pigeon

10 X Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang

Mosey to the bridge

Bear crawl tunnel (4 bear crawls per person)

Mosey back to the pull up bars

10 X Pull Ups

10 X Mericans IC

10 X Squats

Repeato down to 8,6,4,2

Mosey to picnic tables

10 X Dips IC

10 X Bulgarian Split Squats IC

10 X Incline Mericans IC

10 X Squats IC (aka Touch Yo’ Butt)

10 X Decline Mericans IC

Mosey to blocks for DORA; Partner A does exercise while Partner B does a short lap.  Flap Jack.

50 Curls

75 Skull Crushers

100 Presses

Time Filler:

10 X Bent Over Row IC

10 X Squat to Press IC



10 X Pretzel Crunch IC

10 X Jane Fonda’s IC

25 X Low Flutter IC

15 X WWII’s IC

Recover, Recover


  • Welcome to Dave Harris, now known as Mopar! The name comes from being a big fan of Oldsmobile, and Mopar are fans of Chrysler.  I probably screwed that up, Roadie can provide a better explanation.If you see Mopar out make sure to introduce yourself and make him feel welcome.

  • All put in strong work today, especially after a holiday weekend. Felt great to get back out as I have been flat out lazy the last week and a half.

  • Word is Gnarly Goat and Jersey Boy are leading Fuel after the Wednesday workouts at the Birkdale Starbucks, with the theme around diet and weight management.  I should probably check it out as my summer diet has primarily revolved around beer and ice cream.

  • Roadie is looking for a few good Q’s for Might Oak on Wednesdays.  Get some!

Until Next Time…
