Bleacher Report

10 willing souls (maybe some unwilling but came anyway) came out today for the Bleacher Report

Disclaimer is given


15 SSH's IC and 15 Toy Soldiers (AKA Windmills) IC


Mosey to track where Pax is divided up into 2 groups of 5 to start workout at Bleachers (one group on each side to avoid crowding)

Odd Laps

Run up Bleacher cross and back down and do 15 Merkins against bleacers, 15 Dips, and 15 Bleacher Squats, then back up the bleachers cross and down and repeat the 3 exercises for a total of 30 each, then exit bleachers and jog to other bleachers and repeat

Even Laps

Once you exit the 2nd set of bleachers, you jog to your starting side and sprint the straight away and jog the opposite end of track and then sprint the next straight away and jog back to the bleacher you started at and repeat odd and even laps until time is called by the Q.

Reflection came from 1 Thessalonians 5.23  I Pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy.  And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ Returns

Our life with God may often focus on our spirit or soul – but our body is important to God also.  What steps can you take today to look after your body?  Eat well, stay hydrated and increase physical activity.  

I felt this was a good reflection especially for the group that is under the fuel channel that is trying to better their physical being.

Thanks to all who showed up to my First Q.  I hope you enjoyed the workout and left tired.  I really appreciate you letting me lead and the support that this group of men offers.  God Bless