If the Hens aren’t cackling, nothings going on!!

Event Date

Jul 18, 2019


It had been awhile since I was in town to post at Samson so I was ready.  Happy to see a good group and pleased to say that Samson is steadily rising with numbers.   More importantly, some quality men out for a great workout today. Breckset (sp?) was there but have not found him on the website yet!!! I had everyone whining/complaining (cackling) pretty early in the workout so all I can say to that is:  ITS GREAT TO BE BACK BOYS!!!!

Here is what went down:

Warmorama:  Mosey through the parking lot doing side shuffle; karioke; high knees; butt kicker.  Circle up at top of lot for SSH, CP, TS, IST, and WM.  Added 10 burpees OUO at the end which revitalized the cackling hens!!!

Line Jumps side to side IC x 20; Line Jumps front to back IC x 20

The heart was pumping and we were ready to go.  Grab a block!!!  (The block pile at LFC is dwindling for sure!!!)

Circle Up for Curls, Skull Crusher, Shoulder Press, Chest Press, and Squats…….we would start with 10 each IC and repeat these exercises each time we returned to the circle (Decreasing reps by 2 each time)

After a full set of the above, parter up and run around one island.  One partner runs clockwise, the other counterclockwise.  When you meet up, do 10 handslap merkins.  Continue in this pattern after each set of block workout:

1. Run around 1 island until partners met 5 times.

2. Run around 2 islands until partners meet 4 times

3. Run around 3 islands until partners meet 3 times

4. Run around 4 islands until partners meet 2 times.

5. Run around 5 islands until partners meet once.



We had just enough time to do some Dying Cockroach and teach Breckset how to do the BREAKDANCER!!!

Great work by everyone today.  Enjoyed seeing everyone again and enjoyed the sweatfest for sure.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until next time!
