Flag – Capture the Flag

10 started 13 finished, including one FNG Andrew, recruited by C#. Andrew is a Civil Engineer who helped design Trilogy (way over-priced housing complex across from Mustang. 75% age restricted the rest…people crazy enough to spend $400K+ for a 2,500sq ft home) Andrew was awarded the luxurious name of ELK KNOB, a road within Trilogy. Have fun explaining that one!

It's been a while. With some friendly prodding, Mater was able to get me to HQ for a retirement Q. Not sure if this got me back into things, we will have to see. As I was replying to Mater, I decided to quickly think of what shennanigans I would bring out to Mustang. Below, I will detail some of that out, for each of you. 

Disclaimer provided – I am a professional, but not in regards to what we are about to do today, then the rest…


20 – SSH IC

20 – Ctn Pickers IC

20 – Storm Troopers IC

15 – Monkey Humpers, towards Clark as he rolls in late; however a non-issue as he ignored his welcome message

Mosey to small circle in front of school

The Thing

Mulligan is nominated King, but just for a few minutes. All others report to assigned corner (4 corners)

  1. Burpees
  2. LBC
  3. Squats
  4. Merkins

In order to get out of your jail cell, you must compete against the king in paper, rock, scissors. Winner determines where you go next…it's known by now that if the Q wins you always go to burpees.

Mosey back to launch pad.

3 PAX are wrapping up their bike ride from SVU (13 miles) and join in for the next ball-o-fun.

Teams split yellow v. blue. Each PAX places/puts on flag belt with respective team color.

The game: Flag Capture the Flag


  • One team has a 20# medicine ball as a flag, and assigned to protect
  • One team has a 25# kb as a flag, and assigned to protect
  • Each team is allowed one (1) goalie, and that PAX must stay in low plank while in role
  • mid-filed is marked with two fire hoses, end-to-end
  • 10 yards into each teams respective side (from mid field) another hose is in a circle shape, and this acts as a jail.
  • If, a PAX falls (flag ripped) they go to jail and perform pre-determined fine. Often, another PAX had to come bail them out by completing 5 hand slap merkins
    • burpees
    • LBCs
    • Merkins
    • etc
  • Each set, the Q, provided a different modality of travel, and all other than the goalie had to commute in said style
    • Bear crawls
    • crab walks
    • broad jumps
    • skip (kidding)
    • all out run…a few times
  • Half time – two rounds of fire hose tug-o-war
  • Back to CTF as described above

Following the fun, a challenge was thrown out for yellow v. blue pull-up throw down. Line up, as a team knock out as many as possible. Q lost count but knows his team had at least 129, only thing the Q was on the winning side of this fine summer morning.


  • Flutter kicks
  • Dr. W


  • not recalling much from the field of fury today
  • impressive that a group did a tri at SVU (Swim, Run, Bike) and then continue with a post at Mustang
  • Feel free to contribute if I missed anything, somewhat O2 and sleep deprived
