The Army – Still The FInest AO in All of Huntersville

15 men gathered on a most humid of days to enjoy the finer things of a retro beatdown



Circle the Raceway and into the Warm-o-rama:

SSH x 20 (thank you Deep Dish)

IST x 15

Merkins x 10

Cottonpicker x 15

CDD x 10

Toy Solider x 10

Mosey to playground

Staggered Merkin (left arm on rail) x 10

Slow squats x 10

Staggered Merkin (right arm on rail) x 10

10 pull ups

25 dips


Mosey to Tennis Court

Lunge walk to net and back

Bear Crawl to net and back

Crab walk to net and back

Bunny hop to net and back

Mosey to circle 


Mosey to bridge 

10 Over and backs

Bear Crawl bridge to and fro…

Mosey back to launch for quick Mary

LBC x 20

Low Flutter x 20


1) Maverick, Faux Pax, Coppertop were also in attendance

2) Thanks for Auto for the invite to Q – always enjoy the Army

3) Standard was launched – 3 participants I believe (Auto, Turncoat, Tagless)

4) Grandma came to visit and she always makes the PAX so very happy

5) Outlaw pushed me into the bridge – I actually wasn't going to go there… but…

6) Until next time – Soldier on….