Still in Recovery Mode at Mighty Oak

Event Date

Jul 24, 2019

I was on vacation last week and did very little in the form of exercise.  I thought I would jump right in this week…until Swing State but a Monday beatdown on me so bad that I thought about pressing charges.  Turncoat gave a nice recovery workout at the Viking on Tuesday, but wasn’t sure how I would hold up today.  Didn’t turn out so bad, story below…


Quick mosey through the parking lot

Cliff note disclaimer for the veteran crowd


15 X Cotton Pickers IC

15 X Windmill IC

15 X Toy Soldiers IC

15 X Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang

Borrowed this from Mr. Holland…bear crawl the length of the cement balls in front of the school.  Start with one Merican at the first ball, then two at the second, etc. 10 cement balls, 45 total Mericans

Pick a spot on the low walls in front of the school

15 X Step Ups Each Leg OYO

15 X Dips IC

15 X Bugarian Split Squats Each Leg OYO

15 X Incline Mericans IC

15 X Squats IC

Over to the wall for People’s Chair, 15 X Air Press IC and 15 X Touch Them Heels IC

Repeato the above, taking everything down to 10

Mosey to the back entrance of the school

10 X Australian Pull Ups IC


Repeato, Repeato

Mosey to blocks.  Rotated one after each exercise (see Moleskin)

10 X Curls IC

10 X Skull Crushers IC

10 X Overhead Press IC

10 X Lunges w/Block Each Leg OYO

10 X Bent Over Row IC

Indian Run around the track

10 X Incline Mericans IC

15 X Big Boi Sit Ups OYO

10 X Decline Mericans IC

15 X Big Boi Sit Ups OYO

Indian Run around the track, blocks up


10 X Low Flutter IC (Fescue)

10 X Mason Twist IC (Burgoo)

10 X Box Cutter IC (Mona Lisa)

5 X Burpees OYO (Bunyan)

10 X LBC IC (Caboose)

Recover, Recover


  • I think every single one of the PAX said they were came to Mighty Oak because Two Buck Chuck had the Q at Mad Scientist.Something about how his workouts are way too easy and they knew I would provide an awesome beatdown.I may have not gotten that all right…but that’s what I heard.

  • The PAX were very observant today, as they immediately saw I “accidentally” picked a skinny cinder block from the pile.Tried to save face by rotating, but the damage was done.

  • I promised a burpee free workout but knew that plan was in jeopardy when Bunyan was given the freedom to lead.At least he went easy on us.Pretty sure Caboose would have gone with the Pretzel Crunch, but we were getting short on time.

  • Prayers for The Force and his family as they are on their mission trip.

  • Thanks to the men who came out today, great to start getting back out again!
