
The last workout opportunity for July 2019 was this morning.  Dewey is back from his international travels.  Lear has returned from wherever he went.  Chief is on the mend.  The numbers at the workouts have increased as the temperatures have been more merciful.  Knowing that Cupcake is limited with his running capabilities while he heals, I called and asked him if his truck could be used as a weight today at the workout.  Without hesitation, he sais "should I bring "Creepy Girl".  "Of course." I replied.  

Mosey to the back of the building.

SSH x21
Windmill x 11
Mericans x7

Mosey to the front of the building.  

Line up behind Cupcake's truck.  He immediately stood up Creepy Girl so she could watch the festivities.  From then on, we pushed the vehicle towards Williamson Rd.  We stopped at each driveway / parking lot along the way for an assortment of exercises just as the truck got some momentum.  On the way back to the A.O. we stopped at Jet Hill and ran to the smoking secion for one set of incline mericans.  Back to the truck and I asked everyone to jump in for a ride back.  6 failed to comply and decided to run back.  Once they joined us at the A.O. there were 6 penalty burpees.  

1.  Great time today.  This idea was stolen from Chief when Cupcake was in a boot 4 or 5 years ago.  He couldn't run then either, so we pushed Cupcake around the A.O. in his truck.  
2.  When Cupcake would stop the truck at the places we did the exercises, he had on the blinkers……and a possessed doll standing up in the back of the truck.  I was sure one of the cars that passed would have called 911, but we were good.  
3.  Prayers for Cheeze Whiz and his family.
4.  Prayers for Hummer, his father, and his family.
5.  Coffee was excellent.  Three more earned their patch.  
6.  Prayers for Strutter
7.  Hope to see you atll at the Blue Parrot this Thursday at 7pm.  HDHH