Fightclub – Lets begin again

Event Date

Aug 02, 2019

A new beginning for Fightclub. It has been a while since YHC had to stop due to a family illness, but this morning was a great start.  There were 10 strong men that came out to push the limits of mind and body, MC was out there (but is not on the list) this morning and we named my 2.1 , Purple haze, on this day. Great to have everyone out here this morning. As the saying goes, a man doesnt know his limits until he exceeds them. This morning we focused on the basics of defensive tactics.  How we hold our hands, arms, head, body and legs is critically important and can either be a great asset to each of us or can become a huge liability.  To start off we paired up, size doesnt matter, in order to get used to grabbing and striking another human body. It is not an easy thing to get used to. In todays day and age we are told over and over that we are not to do agressive things to another person, or we should keep our hands to ourselves.  And then there is the compassion and sympathy thing,, many people lose a battle because they have a difficult time doing "Not Nice" things to another person,,, even if that person is trying to hurt them.  We must get used to handling and yes even using force against another body.  it will serve us well if the need arises. We began a bit differently than we did during the prior sessions.  YHC felt it necessary to develop some basic attacks and defenses before advancing on to the teaching the art.  It seems a bit backwards but with the way things are unfolding (in my view) it is necessary to develop a few effective techinques to help defend ourselves.  We will  keep these as basic tools as our bodies become more comfortable with moving in the desired manner. 

Before a fight begins, there is often a time when someone foolishly decides to grab different parts of our body in order to either hurt us or produce a fear response.  This morning we learned how to discourage this practice by producing a fair amount of pain to the offending part of the body the attacker has offered as a sacrafise.  We will learn that we destroy the things (body parts) that are trying to attack us.  This eventually limits their ability and desire to mount an attack. 

We then practiced a few techniques that are useful in stopping the agressor by causing a substantial amount of force to be applied to his jaw.  In other words we practiced how to use a combination of strikes while moving in to a position of advantage so a blow can be deleivered.  The two combinations are very effective and do not require a high level of skill to be effective. 

And then of course there is the defensive part of the battle.  Blocking should become second nature and require very little thought.  If we dont have to think about defending ourselves we can focus on chosing the most effective technique to convince any agressor that a bad choice is being made.  So, blocking will become a large part of the training.  But we will quickly learn that any block will actually become an attack aimed at an offending body part.  One of the most dangerous and difficult parts of a battle is moving in close enough to the aggressor to make an effective attack, it is always nice when this person offers up a body part for us to dismantle.  Saves time and limits our exposure to this dangerous situation.

Time flys by very quickly and before we knew it we had to stop training for the morning.  We were joined by the Intimidator training group for our Circle of Trust. 

YHC is thankful for you fine men and I appreciate that you allow me to share what I have learned through the years.

Thank you
