Poker Night

Event Date

Aug 03, 2019


0530 Hefty, Theuss, Retread and I set out on a 5K run.

0600 Hefty, Retread, Theuss, Mysterion and I set out on a bike ride.

0640 Hefty, Retread, Mysterion and I hop in the lake for a swim.

0700 Bootcamp begins


Warm Up

Quick run toward AO to gather Cheetah and whoever couldn’t manage to read their email and went to AO. Turns out no one went to AO. Where was SVU this morning?

Deck of Doom

Diamonds – Hand Release Merkins

Spades – Burpees

Hearts – Air Squats

Clubs – Reverse Crunches

Aces – Clubhouse lap

Kings – Bearcrawl

Queens – Inch Worm

Jack – Lunge Walk




“Your children need your presence more than your presents” Jesse Jackson

I try and remember this and give my children as many memories and fun experiences as I can because that is what they are going to remember not the new bike they got but the camping trip up to the mountains to ride the bike. Enjoy the time raising the 2.0’s and make as many memories as possible.



-Some shenanigans may have occurred with the deck of cards and the order in which cards were drawn.

-Apparently you can’t do air squats before your morning poo.

-The PAX really enjoyed running after the Tri.

-A runner even showed up. Only one though……

-Poker tonight at zippy’s at 9PM. If interested let us know.