Blender Beatdown

Event Date

Aug 06, 2019

3 PAX had their hopes crushed as YHC rolled in to Grace Covenant at the last minute, dispelling any notions of an early coffee run.  With no time to spare, we didn’t waste any getting to work:

               To get the blood flowing we ran to the end of the parking lot and back, stopping a couple times for some SSH x10 IC.  Once the blood was pumping we circled up for IST, Windmill, Toy Soldier, Carrot Puller (a.k.a. Spud Tugger) and some slow deep squats, all x10 IC.  Then some arm circles forward/backward OYO and we brought our bells over to the starting line and got to work.


               The task was simple, but that didn’t’ make it easy.  Basically a “Ladder”, moving KBs around at the start, running, doing stuff, running backwards. Each round got a little tougher.  It went a little something like this:

Round 1 (all x4 IC): Curls, Squats, Lawn Mowers R/L, sprint to first aisle, Mericans & WWIIs, Quadraphelia back.

Round 2 (all x6 IC): Curls, Squats, Lawn Mowers R/L, sprint to next aisle, Mericans & WWIIs, Quadraphelia back.

Round 3 (all x8 IC): Curls, Squats, Lawn Mowers R/L, sprint to next aisle, Mericans & WWIIs, Quadraphelia back.

Round 4 (all x10 IC): Curls, Squats, Lawn Mowers R/L, sprint to next aisle, Mericans & WWIIs, Quadraphelia back.

Round 5 (all x12 IC): Curls, Squats, Lawn Mowers R/L, sprint to the end, Mericans & WWIIs, Quadraphelia back.

Once that was complete, just to make sure PAX didn’t leave anything in the tank we headed over to the low wall and did Stepups & Inclined Mericans (x10 IC, then repeat x8 IC).  Sufficiently exhausted we circled up for some mary.


               Circled up we did some core work with low flutter (x15 IC), pretzel crunch (x10 IC each side), Plank for 30 seconds, LBCs (x15 IC).  Recover Recover.


               YHC pulled in right at 5:30, bringing a mixture of relief (that Bunyan didn’t have to step in and wup the PAX around) and disappointment (of missing their opportunity to leave for coffee).  Any relief they had was quickly squashed as we made our way to the east side of the parking lot, which the PAX quickly realized usually means some type of sprinting.  The PAX stepped up to the challenge and completed the ladder with a few minutes to spare for the aforementioned step-up and merican series.

COT included prayers for Crab Legs and his family, along with prayers for families involved in the El Paso and Dayton, and prayers for kids returning to school next week.