That Looked Better on Paper!

Sorry a little late, and like my Q, this backblast isn't the most polished and leaves a little to be desired!  16 PAX ventured to the Estate having no idea what to expect.  How do I know that?  Because YHC had no idea what to expect!  Tried out some new ideas and quickly learnd what the phrase "better on paper" means, but we broke a sweat and had fun in the process.

WARMORAMA:  Mosey up and down the parking lot, stopping at various locations for SSH, IST, TS, Windmill, Spud Tuggers, squats and arm circles.

THE THANG: PAX were told to partner up and head over to the playground.  YHC had a great plan of a multi station workout where each pair of partners make their way through the playground to different stations.  As soon as YHC started explaining the workout we knew we were in trouble.  14 PAX to start required 7 stations (a couple PAX joined late).  Stations as follows: Mericans (x10 IC), Step Ups, Dips, Pull ups, Swerkins (feet on swing, Merican then knee to chest = 1), Jump Squats, Run up steps and back to Merican station.   Did two rounds then called the time of death of that workout.

Then we stopped over at the tables to test their step-up capacity.  Turns out the limit was 15 PAX!

We made our way to the blocks for a slightly more traditional Dora.  First round Partner A Farmer Carry while Partner B does squats then switch (to 100 squats).  Round 2 curls and lunge walk, up to 100 curls.

MARY: As a reward for putting up with my failed ideas, YHC rewarded the PAX by swapping Mary for a game of their choice (between Ultimate Frisbee and Jolly Ball).  Jolly Ball was chosen and chaos insued.  Baller reminded everyone how he got his name.  Shirts took an early lead but Skins rallied at the end to take the match.  Lots of fun, good workount, and most imporantly INJURY FREE!