Old School

Event Date

Aug 10, 2019


FNG 1: Hooper; FNG 2: Freestyle (FiA); FNG 3: Mysterion (Spelling?)

9 made it out to play on some of the original hallowed grounds at SVU……

20 SSH

10 Apollo OhNos

10 Windmills

10 Tony Hawks

Partner Up; Mosey to the top of Little Baby Big Hill

In the former Sales Office Play Yard:

Partner 1: Squats; Partner 2: Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear – Flip Flop (FF)

P1: Front Lunges; 2: Crab Walk/Walk Crab – FF

P1: Backward Lunges; 2: Inch Merkin Worms/Mosey back – FF

Run to the Front Play Yard by Block Island – FF

P1: LBCs; P2: Tree Suicides – FF

P1: WWIs; P2: Tree Suicides – FF

P1: Freddies: P2: Tree Suicides – FF

Run back to the other play yard

REPEATO first round

Run back to the back play ground

Same Partners

P1: 10 Burpee Pull-Ups; P2: Block Curls

P1: 12 Hanging Pull-Ups; P2: Block Skullcrushers



10 IC L/R Jane Fondas

:30 American Hammer


Danny Gokey Song – Haven't seen it yet:

"It's like the brightest sunrise WAITING on the other side of the darkest night"

Waiting is the key word.  We all go through some dark stuff.  But realize, the darker the "stuff" the brighter the better things in life shine-through.  It makes us appreciate the good in life.  This world throws plenty of dark things at you.  Easy to let it suck you down.  Call it out as dark. Call it out as bad.  Realize when you are going through it.  Embrace it, and let it make you stronger. 


 – The Tri group held their final workout prior to, with Twinkle, Mulligan, Freestyle, Cheetah and Mysterion taking part. 

 – Always great to see Hooper and Shredder warming up as I arrive at the AO.  Especially when I am the Q instead of Shredder and I know there won't be any Colt 45s or Rampages

 – Freestyle doesn't like men wearing pink.  

 – Great coffee afterwards, where we determined that Mulligan is in fact a millenial

 – About 10 high school girls ran by as a group and I was VERY tempted to call monkey humpers but I stayed strong

 – Honor to lead and be led by you gentlemen.  Continued prayers up to Fabio and his family.