Is it raining out here?

Event Date

Aug 16, 2019

Q by commitee this morning. Boone still under the weather and didnt make it out.


10 x SSH (IC)- Mater

10 x Monkey Humpers (IC)- Twinkle

10x Cotton Pickers (IC)- Scope

10x Windmills (IC)- Spork

25x Arm Circles (IC—yes, IC)- Mater

10x Copperhead Squats (IC)- Twinkle

10x Storm Troopers (IC)


Mater's KB parking lot lap (Indian "run" with bellz.  Man in front calls out extercise and reps.  Once completed. Last man moseys to front of line.  Once in front, man calls out exercise and reps.  Repeat for entire lap of parking lot)

Spork led us in stair pyramids.  15 to 1 pushups on the way up.  15 to 1 KB curls on way down. 


Name-a-rama and prayer out

Prayers for Twinkles co-worker who was injured and all the kids returning to school


Great to co-Q today.  Hope to see everyone tomorrow for Mater's workout.