August Fun

Note: FNG-1 is Buckeye

The Warm-up:

SSH x 20 (I/C)

Wind mill x 10 (I/C)

Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 (I/C)

Chelsea’s Little Sister (1 set of 5: 5 burpees, 7 WW2 sit-ups, 10 merkins)


The Thang:

Grab a block and circle up

  • Station #1: 20 WWII sit-ups

  • Station #2: full curls x 15, low flutters x 30, set #1+2 (e.g., 22 WWII sit-ups)

  • Mosey to station #3 (i.e., loop around parking lot, when done with station #3, loop back)

  • Set #3:CDDs x 15, Crunchy Frogs x 25, set #2+1 & #1+2

  • Mobility Minute: left leg and right leg pigeon

  • Set #4: skull crushers x 15, Freddy Mercurys x 25, set #3+2, #2+4 and #1+6

  • Set #5: 8 ct. body builders x 15, JLo’s x 25, sets #4+2, #3+4, #2+6 & #1+8 

Return your blocks

 Bagboy over and out