New Boot Goofin’

Event Date

Aug 20, 2019

Pax included Touch Me Not and Christy

Skip leg day? I think not. It will take more than a boot and doctor’s ‘advisement’ to skip leg day. We did limit running and jumping to let our knankles, and other self inflicted summertime wounds, heal. Besides: legs start in the glutes and groins anyway. 

Good Mornings (down to feet, up 2-3-4)
Planking Leg Circles
Shoulder Touches, Merkins
The Groinal Circuit 3x
Monkey Humpers 
People's Chair with Coupon Press (thanks Pusher)
Standing Leg Swings
Abduction Junction 3x
Mason Twist
Jane Fondas
Karries (Plank rotate elbows to sky)
Glute Bridges
Rochambeau 5, 6, 7, 8
– Merkins I win, Burpees you lose
Heels to Heaven
Superman Holds
W Sit-ups
TOC – grateful for the mercy and grace given to our homes. Grateful for this group of men who encouraged me, and didn’t let a freak ‘Hey kids, watch dad skim board’ ankle injury keep me down.
Glad to be back at Outer Limits with you.