Hollywood double feature – Encino Man and Chariots of Fire

23 pax invaded Hollywood in this day’s glooming and were treated to a Waffle House Q, but sadly no waffles.  We did have plenty of rocks mixed in with a good bit of running, so all were at caloric deficit by the end.  Here’s what we did:


Mosey to theater lot

SSH x 20, IST x 15, Cotton picker x 15, slow squat x 10, Merican x 10


The Thang:

Mosey to Rock pile behind tennis court and pick out a non-traveler, then head to parking lot by pool

Rock squat x 10, Curl x 10, Shoulder press x 10, Skull crusher x 10

Partner up

Partner 1 start exercise while partner 2 runs to front corner of green space and back, then switch doing the following exercises as a team:

200 Rock squats

200 curls 

200 chest press

150 skull crushers (standing or lying down)

Also mixed in were some plank exercises, low flutter, and LBC

Grab rock for ~10 slow calf raises single count

Put rocks back and return to base, Al Gore at midpoint 



Dying cockroach, WW2 sit-ups, Mericans, plank


– I know it’s said often these days, but it was steamy out there! Stay hydrated, friends.

– Good group and large group – thanks for staying with me today

– Had one emergency Starbucks visit during the workout.  Hope he made it in time!

– Announcements: comedy night on Tuesday – get your tickets and come for a fun evening at Galway Hooker; FUEL meeting immediately following our workout and every Wednesday 

– Prayers up for Matt, 30 year old landscaper bit by an ant and almost died, if it weren’t for the heroics of Goat and his team – lesson: get your affairs in order and get a scrip for an epipen- you never know.  Also prayers up for Spar’s family as they will have difficult times ahead

-Jedi, thanks for taking us out – awesome job as always

– Thanks for the Q opportunity Goat – it was good to lead this group of men.  Anyone that hasn’t Q’d, it’s time to step up.  If you just want to Q a warm-up or part of a workout, let someone know.  They will help you out.