Better Late Than Never

Event Date

Aug 19, 2019


YHC arrived late to The Berean to find a couple of familiar cars already parked outside the Bdale Starbucks. After finding GG and Heisman working the blocks, the group alternated exercises as follows, a lap in between each set:

Block curls IC, lawn mowers, shoulder press IC, skull crushers IC, block swings, merkins IC

Partner 1 farmer carries while partner 2 (and partner 3) complete LBC x 5 and catch up w/ partner 1. Partner 2 then farmer carries and partners 1 and 3 complete LBC x 5 and catch up with Partner 2. Partner 3 farmer carries…so on and so forth x 2 laps.

Mosey down bridge to Rubbermaid parking lot. 5 jump squats, sprint to island 1 and 5 burpees, sprint to islant 2 and 10 murkins. Repeat x 3 (mobility minute between sets 2 and 3)

Return to Starbucks and Mary x 3 minutes

Discussion included how we deal with change in light of the New Testament reading regarding Paul and Barnabus being called to go from Antioch to Cyprus. Great wisdom and insight from Goat and Heisman and a recurring reminder of why Mondays are so well spent at the Berean. Thank you guys!