Broke Back Broga

Event Date

Aug 20, 2019


After much brainstorming, discussion and debate during the Saturday coffeeteria, this was the first time the workout had an official name – Broke Back Broga.  It was chosen as it served multiple meanings.  First, YHC has been dealing with back issues for several years on and off, so a very fitting name.  Some like to name things after the founder as a way to honor them – event (The Murph), a skill (The Biles) or disease (Osgood Schlatter) however Broga with Bertha may be met with more of a feeling of trepidation and anxiety.  Second, it's a bit awkward for a bunch of dudes meeting in a dark parking lot to stretch.  Enough said on that.

The workout started with the usual warmup walk.  We got into some balance exercises for the first time – on our feet and extending forward and backward then side to side.  We can all do a crap ton of push ups or burpees, but standing still on one leg can pose a challenge.  We got into the standard next – upright stretching of hammies then down to the mat for back, glutes and more hammies.

  • Now that Mater is a runner he's having back pain – oh yeah, that's because back pain in onset with tight hammies, who knew?
  • Scope putting extra work in before a long weekend at the beach, the streak of perfect attendance will come to an end
  • Bowser (FNG1) had gone in for exploratory work on Monday and was in a bad way, he hung tough as always
  • Hefty appeared running at us out of the darkness about halfway through to get some stretches in, YHC is certain the warm up walk is too much for BRR participants.

Pleasure to lead.  Hope to see more of you out there with us soon!