An easy workout at Titan for Murph Avoiders

On a not too hot day at Titan, 13 PAX enjoyed a kinder, gentler workout.  Many of these folks haven't been to Titan in a while, and perhaps some of us, er them, were avoiding The Murph.  Here is, roughly, what went down today:


Frogger and Tantrum show up for #TheStandard…


…but they didn't run.  Sounded like they were talking about swinging or pineapples or something like that.  YHC rolled up and convinced them to go for a walk as a warm-up.  Frogger, who is also re-habbing a calf strain, agreed.  Tantrum came along too and the conversation was nice.


Wow, lots of PAX today!  With a great crowd, YHC gave a quick disclaimer and we were on our way.


  • Slow (ish) mosey across Beatties Ford Road and to the covered area by the pool in Latta.
  • Slow windmill x 10 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 10 IC
  • ISTs x 10 IC

Calf rehab exercises, Part 1:

  • Raise up on both calves, down on one in a controlled manner:  15 each leg OYO
  • Raise on one calf, in a controlled manner, with heel slightly off the concrete for fuller extension:  15 each leg OYO

The Thing:

  • More slow (ish) running in Latta.  Made a left at the round-a-bout, then continued a few more blocks.
  • Stop for:
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • More running, out of the Latta neighborhood and across Beatties Ford again. 
  • Stop for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC (regular cadence, not the "Slow Deep Squats" that YHC usually calls)
  • More running, back to start-ex.

Calf rehab exercises, Part 2:

  • Raise up on both calves, down on one in a controlled manner:  15 each leg OYO
  • Raise on one calf, in a controlled manner, with heel slightly off the concrete for fuller extension:  15 each leg OYO

Run a lap around the bus lot.  Circle up.  PAX were given the option to run another lap or stretch.  All choose a bit of stretching with our Mary:


  • Quad stretch L / R
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Upward / downward dog
  • Calf stretches
  • Pigeon stretches L / R
  • Butterfly stretch
  • Left side: Fire hydrants x 10 IC, Jane Fonda x 10 IC
  • Right side: Fire hydrants x 10 IC, Jane Fonda x 10 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 2.32 miles.


  1. Prayers up for:  Hasselhoff's mom, Mona Lisa's mother in law, continued prayers for Crab Legs' family, and for all the little ones back to school today.
  2. Appreciate Marker visiting from Denver and all the PAX who might normally attend boot camps on a Monday.  It was a great crew today.
  3. Any day that involves pineapple references and 80s movies of a particular genre is about as weird as it gets, but it also made the time fly.  45 minutes was up fairly quickly!
  4. Some of the mumble chatter is not fit for this PG rated backblast.  Lol.
  5. This crew is Qing a lot this week.  Check out Hasselhoff Tuesday at Fallout, Snake Eyes Wednesday at Mad Scientist, Jaws Wednesday night at Night Ranger (~5 mile run), and The Force Friday at The Cauldron (even though the calendar shows Toxic?)
  6. Check out the Iron Pax Challenge 2019.
  7. Check out THE 12 Q CHALLENGE.
  8. Thank you Jaws for the opportunity to lead.  I promise to lead a tougher workout next time.

On a personal note, yesterday marked my 4 year anniversary in F3.  I am immensely thankful for the original EH by Lawndard and Julio Cassell (the "other Rocket").  What an awesome 4 years it has been gentlemen.