Football Friday

Event Date

Aug 23, 2019

Run zigzagging to the back of parking lot 


6 stations are set up and ready with blocks 


Warm up:


A football was introduced. If someone dropped the ball, you had 5 burpees. 


SSH 15

Toy soldier 10

Carrot puller  10

Windmill 10

High knees burpees (6 to 1) 10


Partner up for training stations:


Station 1 & 2:  6 ft Square with frisbee in the middle & 4 tennis balls on a cone.  Person runs across for first ball and places in frisbee then the next 3 balls. 

Next person reverses the tennis balls placement. 


Station 2:  chalk ladder 

High step

Side to side 

(Always stepping both feet in the square)


Station 3:  block push

One person pushes across parking lot other partner jogs beside. Flap jack (2 x)


Station 4:  run up & back between blocks 

Then high step over


Station 5:  jump rope


Rotate 5 times (block push is our timer)


Next is short yardage sprints 

10, 20  & 30 yds


Head back to blocks:


10 skull crushers 

10 curls 

10 shoulder press 

10 squats 

10 swings 

10 lawnmower pulls each arm 


Repeat 2 times 


Put blocks away 


Next run football plays.  2 minute drill


1 receiver

1 QB

The rest are linemen 


Lineman squat


If ball is dropped that person does 5 burpees 

After a play, everyone rotates. 


Once ball is caught, everyone sprints to the new line. 





WWII sit ups 

Pretzel crunch 

LBC’s for 2 minutes 


Recover recover 


I think everyone enjoyed the football theme except for the extra burpees for letting the football hit the ground. 


Two dogs were there and they thought it was fun stealing the tennis balls from the stations. 


YHC rolled his left ankle during a demonstration but continued the workout.  Now the ankle is swollen pretty bad. I hope to be ready by my next Q next week. 


Poncho and one more name I wasn’t sure of were present. Also Red Rider’s son Pellet was there. 

