Denver Iron Pax Challenge Week 1.0

Event Date

Sep 02, 2019

11 of the Denver Iron PAX were able to break free of their ties to work on labor day, but they chose to post this morning and put in the work instead of going to work. YHC almost brought the song "Work From Home" by 5th Harmony, but it just didn't seem appropriate. Today we did the 2019 Iron PAX Challenge for week 1. It was rough. It sucked, a lot. We are all better for doing it (I think). 3 hours after completion and blood still wants to pool in my legs. After watching the video which implies that this can be done in ~ 20 minutes it appeared as if I would need to create other things to fill in the remaining time. We did a warm-up, but this workout kicked our butts. With concentration on good form I give serious kudos to anyone that can get under 30 minutes in completion, and if you got near 20, I'm calling BS.

Arm Circles front and rear
'Merican Clock

Killer Bee's (Plays Wu tang in head)
Mosey down to the field where YHC has setup 8 cones. 4 on each side of the field, spaced 10 yards apart (30 yards, yes I measured)

From the starting line (1st cone) Broad jump to the 2nd cone
Perform 10 burpees (It' not a burpee unless your chest touches the ground and you clap overhead, though not at the same time)
Perform 10 Bonnie Blairs (count each leg as 1. Bonnie Blair is essentially alternating jumping lunge squats with the back knee touching the grass (maybe not a good idea to drive the knee into the ground)
Perform 10 big boi sit-ups

Broad jump to the 3rd cone
Perform 10 burpees
Perform 10 Bonnie Blairs
Perform 10 big boi sit-ups

Broad jump to the 4th cone
erform 10 burpees
Perform 10 Bonnie Blairs
Perform 10 big boi sit-ups

Bear Crawl back to the 1st cone

Repeato x4 for 5 rounds

Splash Merlot

Run 0.25 mile laps around the field/track when you are done.

After everyone is done, 20+ minutes of Nicole (1 x 0.25 mile lap and MAX pull-ups AMRAP)

Mary go round


  • As a mini disclaimer was given and announced that we are doing week 1 of the iron pax challenge YHC is told that we are doing that on Saturdays. Well I heard Monday's, and my M says I don't listen so I guess I didn't get the memo. Plus I am DR at BRR next Saturday and since I'm the Q today you can just call it practice.
  • Did Imention this workout sucks
  • After round 1 YHC thought it might not bee too bad (SWIDT) but it got exponentially worse after round 1
  • T-claps to EVERYONE for struggling through this one. If was rough. I don't think anyone wasn't whooped and gave it all they had.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to clense us from all wickedness.

Today's reflection is brought to you of a 3 minute devotional for teens, but sometimes us guys act like teens and sometimes we need to get back to basics, so here it is. Ever had a bad day and just blow up at the smallest things? Yeah me neither! :eye-roll: We all have bad attitudes sometimes, but when you find yourself there YOU need to do what you know you need to do, which is pray about it, ask God to forgive you. You might just be able to quickly snap yourself out of it. Your bad day can result in making a bad day for others around you. If you make a bad choice, make it better by making it a better day.