Joseph Mama

Event Date

Sep 03, 2019

Eight Joe Mama’s came out to the Quarry after a long holiday weekend to participate in the inaugural post Labor Day Joseph Mama workout. It got moist.


SSH, TS, Windmill, Carrot pickers

The Thang:

Deck of 52 cards (sans jokers)

Value of the card = the number to do of the exercise

♦ Diamonds: Mericans, Face cards = Diamond Mericans

♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats

♣ Clubs: LBC, Face cards = Freddie Mercury

♥ Hearts: Burpees

Any Ace: One Lap around school


  • Double Double outreach efforts proven successful as he finally found his way back to the flock after a long absence. As an aside, he really let himself go though

  • Overheard on the lap around school: What does this workout have to do with Joseph Mama?

  • By my unofficial count that is 90 reps of ‘Mericans, Squats, LBC’s and Burpees with some running. Solid effort gents.

  • Tool Time is apparently a change-ling of sorts and can assume different identities whenever he wants to

  • So what are the students/Fryars of Belmont Abbey up to these days? Bath salts and huffing paint thinner

  • Smart audible to try out some “shorter lap” options on the Aces

  • Did you hear that Joe is looking for you?

  • There was definitely some card counting going on today as far as the hearts were concerned. Some even called it a Slow Roll type of deck of cards

  • I feel so validated that today’s workout counted for home school PE credit. And Q did not even have to sign anything. Should have definitely not skipped the disclaimer though

  • Prayers for those in the path of the storm

  • Great work men!