- SSH x 20
- Mosey to blocks and carry back to parking lot.
The Thang:
Perform each exercise then run to top of parking lot and repeat for 4 minutes. 30 second rest between each.
- Pushups on block = 15
- Swimmers = 20 (2 is 1)
- Dips on block = 25
- Jump Squats = 20
- Block Curb and Press = 10
- Bicycles = 25 (2 is 1)
- Tarantuas (jump lung, jump lung, jump squat) = 10
- Sit ups = 25
- Burbees =
10PAX picked number between 1-10 which was 3. 3 burpees at bottom of parking lot run to top 3 burpees run back.
Mosey blocks back to stack.
No Mary Today
Ephesians 4:2 – "Be always humble, gentle and patient. Show love by being tolerant of one another.
- Plenty of chatter about Q's burn workout.
- Not a lot of chatter everybody was trying to catch to their breath.