Ordinary run of the mill full body bootcamp

Event Date

Sep 05, 2019


Dude y'all totally missed it.  I mean all you fartsackers tapering for BRR….all you post H2C'ers still avoiding bootcamps….all you Torrence neighborhooders….all you "i'm gonna post where the cool kids are posting" wannabes…….man, all y'all…..you must be just gutted that you missed out on this one.  But hey, you make mistakes every day, so do I, I'm not here to judge you, I love you, so you know what; I'm gonna try to do justice to this epic-existential-snotwogglinial-lactic-acid-enducing-sweat-so-profusing-ate-2-breakfasts-'cause-you-earned-it-beat-the-freak-down.  But this is a two dimensional medium so it is going to come across as just another ordinary run of the mill full body beatdown.  And this is the way I remember it…….

Warmorama:  why do we have to circle up?  Let's get the juices flowing while we do the requisite SSH, IST, Windmill combo.

  • mosey to end of parking lot — SSHx15ic
  • mosey to other end of parking lot — ISTx15ic
  • mosey to other other end of parking lot — Windmill x10ic
  • mosey to other other original end of parking lot — Mountain Climbers x10ic + Merkin x10ic


The full body thang:

  • Mosey to back of parking lot and grab a cinderblock
    • Full curl x15ic
    • Skullcrusher x10ic
    • Squats x10ic
    • Overhead press x10ic
    • Partner rows on the pull up bar x10 — partner one grabs bar, puts feet on partner 2's shoulders and does an inverted row (for back work). 
    • Decent speed jog half way around parking lot
    • 1 minute plank
  • Repeato the full set but jog 3 quarter of the full parking lot
  • Repeato again but jog full parking lot
  • Mosey to the side of church
    • Curb kickers x20ic
    • People’s Chair 1 minute
    • Duck walk the parking lot
    • Quadrafeelia back
  • Repeato the full set


Pax Mary pick’em

  • Low flutter (Red October)
  • Dying cock roach (Canary)
  • Ten freaking burpees (yeah you’re correct, it was Bunyan)
  • WW2 situps (Bootlegger)
  • LBC’s (Tugboat)
  • Box cutters (Hasselhoff)
  • Mason Twist (Stray)


The skin o’ the mole

  • Many thanks to Hasselfhoff for the opportunity to lead. 
  • Red October broke his cinderblock – fortunately it was not overhead so he didn’t experience the full #Fenway
  • YHC had the first lap go half way around the parking lot and was quickly reminded “Don Ho would have gone all the way around.”   Yeah, I can’t hold a candle to Don Ho.  He would have also had you do a couple more sets!
  • Inverted Rows on the pull up bar seemed to be well received by the Pax.  It is tough to find a good back exercise.  But as a public service announcement for any Q’s looking to do this one:  ***highly suggested that partner 2 is facing outward away from partner 1's junk
  • Duckwalks……enducing bowel movements since 2011
  • T-claps to Canary for single-handedly ensuring there will be another generation of pax – 3 boys (and counting???).  
  • There is a 95% chance that Hasselhoff and Red October are still in the parking lot talking about the beauty and dependability of Land Cruiser’s throughout the years.
  • Praying up for Bagboy and the Crab Legs family