They just kept coming…I had a long and detailed weinke prepared but as the crouds gathered as we approached 5:30 (and a few from Mad Scientist who joined us after the start) I knew modification and audible was on the menu.  Fortunately the pax was forgiving (at least from what I could hear) and they played along.

Warm Up-Mosey and quickly go through side straddles, windmills, and imperial storm troopers.  Lots of work to do today so a short warm up.

The Thang: With it being 9/11 and @Auto and I planning to converge we wanted to pay tribute to those that lost their lives that day. We wanted to break the workout into 3 sections and with some modifying from the original plan it went something like this…

1. Washington DC: 189 lives lost:  50 dips, 50 Merkins, 50 box jumps, 25 Burpees, and end with 39 WWII sit-ups, we partnered and had one partner run as we broke up the above exercies totaling 189 reps
2. New York: 412 first responders passed or 15% of the total 2763 lives lost that day.  With our large group we grabbed blocks, kettle bells and a few stones and circled in the bus lot. We did 5 exercies 10 in cadence each: curls, overhead press, skull crusher, block swings, squats.  To be fair we roated weights afer each 5 and also worked in a couple of 10 counts as the Q was struggling. We wrapped it up with 12 Burpees for a total of 412 reps. 
3. Pennsylvania: 44 lost their lives including Todd Beamer (see below). We were about out of time but called for 44 WWIIs 
COT: after many minutes of names and in naming HardWood at his second post Auto talked about Todd Beamer who decided to make a difference that day, taking back the cockpit from the highjackers before the plan could be used to hit another target.  He initiated action with a 'Let’s Roll' to stop the attack an died a hero.  We lifted up Olive and his surgery, James a 7 year old boy with a failing heart, our first responders, our military, and all those struggling with loss, illness, trama, ect. from the events of 9/11.

For the last 18 years this day has been different for all of us.  For some of us very different.  At a minimum it hopefully reminds us of all we have to be grateful for.  It sure did that for me this am with such an large and awesome group.  After the beatdown I had lots of windshield time today to reflect on my life over the last 18 years and especially over the last 5+ with F3.  I am so very grateful for the opportunities, friendships, and the catalyst for improvement the group has provided me.  Thank you gentlemen for playing such an important role for me.  Two other thanks, to Roadie for keeing #themighthyoak going so strong during his reign and for providing me with an opportunity to give back.  Second to Auto who has pushed me since pre day 1 to get me to gret me to day 1 and up to last nighting helping me prepare, you truly embody your nickname.  




FNG1 is Hardwood and FNG2 is Poncho