Heaven/Hell at The Berean

Event Date

Sep 09, 2019


A group of 5 embarked on an early morning stroll around Birkdale, doing the following:


Run to parking lot island 1, 2, 3 stopping at each island for: 5 jump squats, 10 merkins, 15 WWII situps. Repeato x 2

Grab a rock! But first 10 burpees! Then rock exercises: curls, shoulder press, skull crushers

Mosey to common area in Bdale village neighborhood: do a stretch

Repeat this back and forth (burpees/rock exercises, then mosey to stretch) (aka heaven and hell) 4 times

Mary: low flutter until 0530

Coffee talk: discussed adding a structured Bible study to The Berean. Something quick and easy for Q to go through during prep, and something others could go through as well beforehand to avoid coming in “cold” to a scripture discussion. Also discussed the best platform for Berean communication re: prayer requests, etc (Twitter vs Slack vs text). We’re gonna try Twitter group messaging! More to come on all that, but looking forward to heading into the Fall routine w/ the men of The Berean.